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~•2 days later•~

Jacob's POV

Ray went on a date with this girl named Jennifer, but he ain't even straight!! Stupid bitch should have known! I followed them everywhere they went. The even kissed! Now I'm on my way to this hoe's house! To teach her a fuckin' lesson! Noboby! And I mean NOBODY kisses MY MAN!

I pulled up in her drive way. I knocked and she came to the door all Smiley and shit. She happy cus she kissed my fucking man and he a good kisser. "Hi Jacob! you're Rayan's friend huh?" she said

"yeah I'm his BOYFRIEND! and you kissed MY fucking BOYFRIEND!" I yelled in her face. I was now backing her into her house. I kicked the door closed with my foot.

"Rayan said he was single!" she yelled

"he's gay! you dumb ass bitch! not even straight! he don't want yo fishy ass pussy or anybody else's! she wants me!'' I yelled still backing her up.

"Jacob! get out of my house NOW!" she yelled. I was walking to the door when she said "and I gave him head!"


I grabbed one of the vases in the living room and slammed it on her head. The glass shattered everywhere. and she just layed in a pool of her own blood. I kneeled down to see if she was still breathing. Nope! The bitch is dead! It's all her fault!

I got a big black trash bag and put some gloves on and put her body in it. I put it in my car and tried my best to clean up her blood.

When I was done I drove to the ocean. I threw the bitch in the ocean and took off the gloves. I put them in the sand. They won't be able to get finger prints because I put gloves on.

I got back in my car nd drove home.

~|• At Home •|~

I walked in the house and seen my mom and my grandma making burritos. I said hi then went upstairs to my room.

I took a shower and put on a white shirt, a black sweatshirt, black sweats, and black converse. I was getting ready to go watch Ray sleep. It's 9:15 now. I went downstairs and grabbed two burritos then walked out the house. Ray's house is just around the corner. But these are big ass corners so it takes about 10 minutes to get there. I usually carry a pocket knife just in case anybody tries to mess with me. it's too late to be walking around here unprotected.

I finally got to Ray's house and climbed in the tree. itz 9:30 and he's sleep. I like watching him sleep :) so sexy!


Sorry so short but I will update soon! :)

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