That's insane

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Lindsey looked at his son through the rare view mirror, who was sitting in the back seat, looking out the window. Will was quite the trouble maker and once again the school called Lindsey to inform him this time he had to pay his son's music teacher a visit over what happened during the class.

He parked the car, locked it and told Will to lead the way. Lindsey knew the path to the principal's office with his eyes closed, but not to somewhere else. They climbed the stairs to the second floor and went down the corridor, stopping by the second to last door.

"What's your teacher's name again?"

"Ms. Nicks." Will replied, not meeting his father's eyes.

"Right." Lindsey cleared his throat before knocking.

The two walked in and Lindsey was taken aback by the woman in front of him. He tried to mask it, although, probably didn't succeed, he thought to himself. "You must be Mr. Buckingham." She smiled offering her hand, he nodded, taking the hold of it.

"And you... you..."

"Stephanie Nicks, I didn't expect you'd know me, I've been working here for a couple of weeks only."

"I didn't even know Will's previous teacher isn't working in this school any longer. Music isn't usually what gets him in trouble."

She didn't really know what to say to that. "Um... Why don't we take a seat?"

"Is my son in big trouble?"

"Well, not really. He wasn't very nice to one of the girls and I asked him to apologize, which he refused to do. And it wasn't the first time either."

"What did I tell you about treating girls right?" Lindsey turned to Will.

"She was annoying me!"

"What was she doing to you?"

"She was singing nonstop, Dad! And I told her she couldn't sing and she started crying! We're thirteen years old, we're not supposed to act like little kids anymore."

"But you shouldn't have been so harsh with her, William." Ms. Nicks said, to which he sighed and crossed his arms.

"Hey, buddy! I don't like your attitude. Did he apologize after all?" Lindsey asked the teacher.

"Yes, through gritted teeth."

"When will it stop, son? You won't get anywhere by acting this way."

"It wasn't that big of a deal." Will rolled his eyes.

"Well, if Ms. Nicks thought it was important to see me, then I think it was. By the way, I think you should apologize to your teacher as well."

"No, it's okay. He doesn't have to do it." She shook her head, seeing how agonizing this was for her student.

"He spoke to you with an attitude."

"Gee, I'm sorry! Happy?" Will turned to his father.

"We're having a serious talk when we get home, this rebelling has to end."

"Can I have a moment alone with your father, Will?"

Without a word, he got up and went to wait outside.

"I'm so sorry for my son's behavior, Ms. Nicks."

"First of all, he's a teenager, second of all, please, call me Stevie."

"I... Are you sure?"

"Yes, I prefer being called that. Ms. Nicks sounds way too formal."


"I wanted to say that Will is a great kid. He's actually very musical."

"Will?" Lindsey asked, not hiding his surprise. "All I ever see him do is kick the ball around."

"Honestly, yes he is. We're auditioning new members for the choir, I was wondering if you could maybe talk to him..."

"I highly doubt he would agree, but of course, I'll try to talk to him about it."

After a moment of silence, Stevie asked. "Is there something wrong with my face or...?"

"What, why would you ask that?"

"You were staring at me."

"I was?" He asked, his heart beating fast.

"Yes, I thought I have a spot on my nose or something."

"No, no... I was just thinking that you are a very beautiful woman."

She instantly looked away. "I don't think... um, that that's appropriate."

"No. No of course it isn't. I'm just making myself look like a fool. I apologize."

"Thank you."

He frowned at what she said. "For what?"

"For telling me I'm beautiful."

"Didn't you just say that was inappropriate?"

"But it was still a compliment." She shrugged her shoulders and smiled.

"And I meant it, I mean it."

They stopped talking and stared at each other until the opening of the door brought them back to reality. "How much longer will I have to stand out here?"

"Sorry, son! I forgot you were waiting."

"Really, Dad?"

"I don't think I should say anything else for the rest of the day." Lindsey shook his head, making Stevie laugh a little.

"It was nice meeting you, Mr. Buckingham."

"Lindsey." He said, shaking her hand again, only then realizing how soft her hand felt in his.

"Lindsey." She gave him a little nod. "I hope we won't get to meet again." She joked.

"At least not under the same circumstances."

She was surprised by what he just said and turned to Will. "See you next week." He only nodded.

"Again, sorry." Lindsey showed to his son.

Stevie waved it off. "It's okay."

"I think, we'll be on our way now."

"Oh, yes of course. Have a safe journey home."

"Goodbye, Stevie."

"Goodbye, Lindsey."

They took another moment to smile at each other and then Lindsey and Will were out.

Back in the car and on their way home, Will spent a good while thinking before opening his mouth, still debating whether he should.


"What is it, son?"

"Did you just fall in love with my teacher or something?"

"Did I just what?" Lindsey almost hit the breaks.

"You couldn't take your eyes off her and I heard you two talk... By the way, I'm not joining the choir."

"That's crazy talk, Will!" He tried to sound convincing. "Did I just fall in love with his teacher!" He laughed a little too loudly. "That's... That's insane!"

Neither of them said anything after that. Will turned his attention back to the passing scenery and Lindsey looked straight ahead at the road, trying to make himself stop thinking about the woman he just met.


So, I wanted to try something different and this came to mind. Tell me what you think so far?

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