Chapter 1: Breakup

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Brianna POV

I clicked through the channels, waiting for Harry to return to his dressing room. The boys did a terrific job on their concert making everyone laugh, and cry with their amusing ideas and singing. What is taking him so long? The concert ended twenty minutes ago he should of arrived by now. I pulled out my phone ready to text him, when I heard the door slam shut causing me to arise swiftly to my stance position in fright. I clutched my chest, as my pulse accelerated from the mini heart attack Harry just gave me. I watched as Harry dug his face into his hands nervously, like something was bothering him.

"Harry?" I say knitting my eyebrows together. He whipped around, eyes wide as if I startled him. "Is everything alright?"

He looked into my eyes but then turned away immediately. He slammed his hands on the table making a bang like noise that bounced off his dressing room walls, causing me to flitch. Through the mirror he was facing I could see that his mouth was clenched, his fist were bawled together, and his muscles where tensed.

What has gotten him so flared up?

"Harry?" I said once again, eyes wide in shock. I never encountered this side of him, I either heard stories or saw it on video, but never face to face. I wanted to know why, why he was so flared up. "Talk to me." I pleaded.

He turned around, leaning back on the wooden table, his eyes glassy. Was he keeping in tears? What is happening? Was all I could think about?

"Harry talk to me." I know I was sounding controlling but I need answers in order to help him. After all I am his girlfriend of a year.

He shook his head, debating on whether to tell me or not. I walked to him, grabbing his right hand, and intertwining our fingers together.

"Whatever it is it can't be that bad, we can get through it together." I whisper, bringing my other hand to cup his cheek. He looked into my brown eyes, and closed his eyes as my fingers made contact with his skin.

"Your making this harder." He whispered under his breath, while I caressed his cheek.

"What?" I ask, he sighed and grabbed my hand removing it off his cheek. I couldn't help but feel hurt, and even more worried. "Ok, seriously what's going on?"

"Brianna." He stopped, and brushed his fingers threw his brown curls.

Did he just call me Brianna? Since when does he call me Brianna? Ok, this must be bad if he calling me by my full name and not my nickname. (Which by the way is Brie).

"God damn Harry just tell me." I groan, pinching the bridge of my nose. I was growing very impatient, as you could tell.

"Er..I..Er.." I bobbed my head gesturing him to continue. "I.. Don't want to be with you anymore." WHAT!? "I'm breaking up with you."

"What." I said in a faint whisper. I didn't feel like shouting, my head was already spinning, trying to take in what Harry just said. "Please ... tell me your joking." I choke out, my voice raspy with tears brimming my eyes. He shook his head and turned around facing his back to me.

"I'm not." He said looking down at his feet." I don't love you anymore." His words felt like being stabbed with a bunch of knives, he couldn't possibly mean it. Can he?

"You don't mean it." A single tear tickled down my cheek. I know he didn't mean it he is looking away from me. "Look me in the eye and tell me you don't love me!"

He shakes his head. "I think you should leave."


"Look me in the eyes STYLES!" I shout, causing him body to flinch at my sudden tone. He closes his eyes, and rubs his hands over his face, nervously.

"I don't love you! Now leave!" He yelled turning back around, his hand gripping the end of the table, making his back muscles noticeable through his black shirt. I couldn't keep the tears in any longer; I let them cascade freely out of my eyes. "Leave!" he growled, pointing his index finger towards the door.

Is this actually happening; is my nightmare actually coming true?

Harry sighed when he sensed that my presence wasn't leaving. "I never loved you." He whispered loud enough for me to hear, causing a small gasp to escape my lips. "Did you actually think I did?"

"As a matter of fact I did Harry." I said tears streaming down my face.

"Well, I didn't, every single word, every 'I love you' was fake. I used you Brianna, used you to prove a point to management."

I felt my legs get weak, and I felt betrayed, I felt like my world was falling to pieces right in front of me. I was furious, yet broken, I was an emotional mess. I wanted to know what the pathetic point he was trying to prove to management.

"And what was the point you where trying to prove Styles?" I say scowling at him. He shook his head, and I heard him murmur something I couldn't make out.

"You know what save your breath Harry. I can't believe you, I trusted you, and gave you my heart, but you just toyed with it. You're a jerk, a fake, I HATE YOU! Don't you dare try and come back into my life, or even look for me!" I yelled, while letting more tears stream down my cheeks.

"Bri.." I put my hand out to stop him from talking any further.

"Like I said save it." I say grabbing my purse and walking to the door. I clutched the handle, turning back to say my last and final word.

"Have a nice and productive life Styles." I yell, looking at Harry whose eyes were glassy. I opened the door slamming it shut behind me, before darting down the hall to the arena's back exit, since it was the only way to avoid screaming fans and paparazzi.

I couldn't believe he used me, played me, just to prove a pathetic point that is still unknown to me. Every hug, every kiss, just everything was all a scam. It made no sense, how someone who you actually cared about, could walk straight into your life, act like they care, and when you thought you could trust them and pour your heart out to them, they seem to leave unexpectedly out the back door of your life. Parts of me wants Harry to run after me, kiss me, and tell me he was kidding, but I know that will never happen in a million years. He wasn't kidding everything he said was real, if he were kidding he wouldn't let me walk out that door.

"BRIE!" I heard Niall yell behind me. I turn around, and Niall's face instantly turned into a frown, guessing from seeing my tears. "What's wrong? What happened?" He asked knitting his eyebrows together, while taking a step towards me, only for me to take a step back. "Brie what's wrong?"

"I can't, just leave me alone Niall." His shook his head confused.

"Brie?" Niall whispered, reaching out his hand to grab mine, but I didn't let him.

"Just leave me alone all of you Liam, Zayn, Louis, and expecially Harry!" I shout, running away, ignoring the yells from Niall to 'stop'. I just kept on running till I finally reached the exit of the arena.

I shoved the door open, shivering as the chilly fall weather nipped at my skin, as I walked down the narrow alley, still letting my tears fall. I was falling apart, I was barely breathing, but seem to have a broken heart that was still beating.

My phone vibrated and I extended my hand in my purse to get it. I pressed decline, as I saw Liam's face appear on the caller ID, Niall must have told the boys about me leaving. My phone vibrated again alerting me, that I was left a voicemail. I put the phone to my ear.

"You have one new voice mail. New message." The annoying inbox lady said ( or whatever you call it).

"Hey Brie, Niall told us about you running off crying. We tried getting a hold of Harry but he isn't answering and his door is locked. We are extremely worried, please once you get this voicemail, please call me back." Liam said his voice full of concern.


"Message marked for deletion there are no more messages. Main me-" The annoying box lady said getting cut off as I hung up the phone. I decided not to call Liam instead I sent him a text.

Me: We broke up, me and Harry are over.

I pressed send, and dialed my mom, I was losing hope that she will answer after the third ring, till I heard her familiar voice on the other line. I situated myself on a bench that was in front of a toy shop that was closed, before answering.

"Mom?" I say my voice raspy from crying.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" she sounded more alert.

"What? What's going on? Put her on speaker." I hear my dad say in the background.

"Mom, dad me and harry are over. I'm coming home, back to America." I say sniffling, while wiping the tears away with the back of my hand.

Forced To Leave You **Watty Awards 2013**Where stories live. Discover now