Chapter 7: Newsflash (2)

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Author's note: This chapter is a little bit longer than usual, hope you like it :).

Angelina's POV

"What the hell..." I whispered as I slowly picked up the newspaper.

Bruno Mars saves girlfriend's life


g i r l f r i e n d

My eyes kept rolling over the letters while the words started to spin in my head. It made me dizzy. I can't even read the first sentence of the article without wanting to throw up. It's not that I don't like Bruno, in fact, he's perfect. I'd love to be in a relationship with him. But... but he's famous and I'm not. I already get anxious as soon as a stranger asks me for directions, like Bruno did when we first met. What if I will get stalked by paparazzi and pathetic fans? What if people will give me hate? What if... What if Daniel finds out about the article? Fuck, fuck, fuck. No, no, no, Daniel can't find out about this. He'll hate me forever. He will throw it in my face, like I did when he cheated on me. I shake my head. Why do I keep caring about Daniel that much? Why didn't I break up with him last night?

"Alrighty Angelina Hill, it's 'bout time you explain me this whole situation. I mean, YOUR DATE WAS BRUNO FUCKING MARS? HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL ME THAT? YOU KNOW I LOVE HIM!"

"Don't exaggerate Kaley.."

She ignored me. "How did you meet him anyways?"

"Kayleigh..." I rubbed my forehead irritated as I tried to make her stop talking.

"And he's your boyfriend?! How did that hap-"

"KAY, CAN YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP FOR A MOMENT, FOR FUCK'S SAKE?" I shouted at her. Silence immediately filled the room. Finally. It might be a little awkward, but at least she finally stopped murdering my ears with all these questions. She knows I can't handle too many things at once.

"And what about Daniel? Aren't you two together?" She said out of sudden, with a little voice this time, scared to make me angry again.

"I actually don't know right now." My voice cracked and I dropping my eyes. My hands that were resting on the leather couch we were sitting on, turned into fists. I was so angry, so sad and so happy at the same time. I've never felt this mixed.

"How can you stay this calm," She said, not noticing I was everything but calm. "I don't think you realize you just went out with a freaking celebrity. A freaking hot celebrity."

"I don't think you realize what happend these past few days..." I actually didn't tell her about anything yet. Not about Daniel cheating on me, not about my meeting with Bruno, not about the accident... anything.

Kayleigh gave me a confused look, waiting for me to tell everything. She fold her arms around her body and pierced her eyes on mine. She never likes it when keep things to myself, but I'm sure she'll understand after I tell her. I took a deep breath and started to bring up all the memories of the past few days. I spit out all the words, like a waterfall of endless frustations.

"... and then we stepped into the car and drove home," I sighed deep. I inhaled and exhaled some air, since I was out of breath by telling the long story. Kay was speechless. She just stared at me for seconds with her bright blue eyes, her mouth half-open and her eyebrows furrowed. Then she shook her head and gave me a hug, which surprised me. I thought she was about to blow up. She's that type of girl who's excited about everything. Hyperactive. But this time it was different. After I told about Daniel cheating on me, you could tell by her face expression that she was shocked. Of course. Daniel seemed like the perfect guy. But apparently he's a two-faced douchebag.

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