Chapter 6: Newsflash

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Author's note: Thank you so much for 1.3k reads! Preeshiate chu! :') Do you like the new cover? 

Angelina's POV

After we've eaten our breakfast Bruno made in the hospital, I had to get a quick test to see if I was okay now before we could leave. Everything seemed alright, so we started our way home.

In the elevator Bruno gently grabbed my hand to hold. He looked up and smiled cute at me. Who would not fall for those adorable dimples and puppy eyes? I playfully rubbed my thumb over his fingers.

... I did feel guilty for lying to Bruno about that non-existent fight with Daniel. I don't know why I lied. Probably because I was scared for him to get mad at me... To lose him... But I can't lose him now. We just met and he's such a sweetheart already, what if we become best friends... or lovers? I... I don't know why I kissed Daniel back last night. My feelings for him are over... right?

Bruno stepped out of the little space first as we arrived the first floor, followed by myself. We walked over to the desk of the big, comfortable, clear and white arrive hall, to check-out. After that, everything happened so fast. So stupid that we didn't see that coming. Stupid that we didn't notice the people that were standing behind the windows of the hospital, with loads of cameras and microphones. We only realized the paparazzi was after us when we opened the door to leave.

"I'll take care of it," Bruno quickly whispered in my ear and slipped his hand out of mine.

I don't know how I was still able to see the interviewers that were almost pushing their microphones into our faces, since the camera flashes where dazzling me. My ears almost exploded because of the amount of questions that were being asked.

"What were you doing in the hospital, Bruno?"

"When is your second album coming out?"

"Who is this?"

"Are you Bruno's girlfriend?"

Bruno was just chatting with the interviewers like it ain't shit. Like they're his buddies. He gives good answers on the questions. Funny, and not suspicious. I could finally catch a breath when this big bald-headed guy made some space for us. I saw him saying something to Bruno that I couldn't understand, because of the noise the group was making. Bruno nodded and quickly pulled me out of the crowd, back in the building again.

"Where are we going?" I gasped while I followed him trough the arrive hall. He walked fast, he was almost running.

"Back doors are the secret of every celebrity, Missy." He smiled whilst gasping too.

Bruno's POV

I quickly jumped into the drivers seat as Angelina took the shotgun seat. She put on her seat belt in a rush like she was going to die if she didn't. "Don't worry, you're safe." I giggled and put one hand on her leg. It was shaking. She looked at me with her eyes still full of fear.

"Bruno, that was the most terrifying thing I have ever experienced." I couldn't help but laugh at her again.

"You'll get used to it." I removed my hand from her leg and put on my seat belt to start the car. She rolled her eyes and looked out of her car window.

"What about that big guy?" She asked me.


"The bald-headed white guy."

"Ooh," I said after I realized about who she was talking about. "That's Dre, my bodyguard."

She finally let out a little smile trough her terrified face. "I should thank him later. Without him I would've drowned in anxiety."

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