Chapter 4:: I go to boarding school with the President's son

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Tara (3rd)

Tara woke up to the ratchet alarm she'd set on her iphone. She contemplated whether to just shut the alarm off or actually get up early, a daily argument she had with herself-and usually won. She sighed getting out of bed at 5:30, exactly fifteen minutes after her alarm went off-this was becoming a daily routine. She quickly and quietly changed into a pair of black and lime green Nike running shorts and a lime green t-shirt she'd bought at the rainforest café in Disney. To complete the outfit, she pulled on some socks, a pair of lime green Nike airs, and an I <3 NY sweatshirt. She grabbed her phone and sports holster, a pair of earphones, and her key card and quietly exited the room. Beth was oblivious and just flumped over in her bed at the noise of the door shutting.

Tara jogged down to the sports complex, using her student admission card to let herself in. She was so used to her morning routine of waking up slowly, working out, showering, and heading out for a day, that she didn't think twice about this being a new gym or school. She found herself in a deserted gym , well-furnished for both students and staff. She hopped onto a treadmill and began her customary 3 miles accompanied with biking and lifting minor weights-a well balanced workout.

Working out in the mornings always helped her sort herself out. It was HER time. She could think about anything and imagine whatever she wanted. It was her refresher for the day. After working out, Tara was fresh and ready for the day.

Today she thought about the people she'd met yesterday. Jesse and Benson and Christy and Grace and Henry and Casey. There were so many people with such varying personalities, hidden secrets, and everything waiting to be discovered. Their pictures kept flashing in her mind and she thought about what she could associate them with. She didn't want to stereotype them, however.

Tara ended her workout very confused about everyone's personalities and decided to just take it from there. Straight and simple.

She began to walk back to the girl's dorms to shower.

Jesse (3rd)

Jesse woke up at around 2 in the morning to the sound of his phone dying. Lying in bed, he contemplated waking up and stopping it, or just letting it ring and ignoring it. Bleepity bleep! I'm definitely getting it he thought. Standing up woozily, he crossed over to find a plugpoint. Lazily he snapped Benson's iphone out of the nearest plugpoint and charged his blackberry curve. Sweet. He looked over at Benson who was sleeping like a log, splayed out over his bed, sheets askew. Jesse stumbled and fell back into his bed for a gentle sleep.

Jesse was awoken by the blue-white light streaming in from the window. He got up in his bed, suddenly unable to sleep. Stifling a yawn he stood up and walked over to the window, feeling compelled by the blue light to look outside and see the morning world bathed in blue and white, almost as if through a filter. Looking out, he saw the buildings bathed in the blue light of the not quite risen sun and looking at the pines in the distance he saw the sun coming up. Then he looked out and caught sight of the soccer field. The grass was dewy, glistening in the morning light. It was just waiting to be played on.

Jesse quickly made his bed, a habit one of his earlier nannies had imbibed in him, and pulled off his pajamas. Throwing them on a chair in a heap, he threw on a pair of Soccer shorts and a t-shirt. He pulled on some tennis shoes, cleats weren't really necessary now, and grabbed his soccer ball and headed out. Benson was still lying on his bed in a different position, but still splayed.

Jesse headed down, out of the dorm and towards fresh air. When he got outside, he took a deep breath of the chilly morning air. Then, he started off dribbling the ball for a warm-up run. He dribbled around campus for a while, around, and then headed towards the soccer field, blood coursing through his veins. He made penalty shots at the goal, pacing and timing himself. He adjusted his position, fixed his aim, and shot. Position, aim, shoot. Practice makes perfect.

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