chapter four

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Chapter four

          Oh man this what happened last yesterday. I broke up with Zane, my mom died and I think I got back with Zane. But I cannot remember. All I know is that all of his Zane and Scar are coming over today in the afternoon. But I have no idea if I am going to have to deal with my mom’s burial. And I can’t ask anyone because no one knows anything. Ah this is just my day. I do not feel like going to school today. It is just so lame. I do not even need it. Well I lied I do need it. How am I going to deal with my mom’s buisness. I have no clue on how to run a business. I will ask Zane’s dad. He knows a lot about business. Or so I think. I will just have to ask him and figure it out. You know what I am not going to school.

<Zane: Hey, my mom says to get ready for breakfast, and that you are going to school because your education is important.>

<Anne: Well I guess I have no choice.>

“Okay honey have a good day at school. Zane remember you have to bring her home right after football practice, if you do not I am going to show her your baby pictures.” Zane blushed.

          I am going to have to see these baby pictures she is talking about. I want to embarrass him. I will have to ask his parents when Zane is not home.

“Hey Zane, do you think I can see some pictures of you when you were little. I know you do not want me to see them but I thought it would be cool.” I give him my puppy eyes.

“The answer to that is no. look I will show you other pictures. Okay so I thought about what we are going to do tomorrow. I was thinking we could take Lola to the park.” Zane parks his car.

“Yeah sure I can do that.” Zane kisses me.

“Okay let’s go to class.” Zane gets out and opens my door.

          That’s not fair.

<Zane: Hey babe let’s meet up at your locker before lunch.>

          Zane just called me babe. Ahh!!!

<Anne: That is the first time you have ever called me babe. Alright I will see you at my locker in two hours.>

          Okay so I have to pay attention to class. No more going to detention unless I absolutely need to.

          Now I know why I do not pay attention to class. It is boring and they just repeat themselves. It is like could you please say something else. I need break from school. Thank god it is Friday.

“Hey.” Zane leans on my locker.

“Hey.” I open my locker.

“Why are you so beautiful?” I start to blush,

“You are not getting in my pants.” I push him.

“I was not thinking about that and I did not know that was up for discussion.” Teddy punches Zane.

“What did I say about you having sex with my sister?” Scar grabs Teddy’s hand.

“Teddy they were just talking. And you should not be the one talking about not having sex at her age when you were fifteen when you first did it.” Teddy blushes.

“Teddy calm down I was not going to have sex with her.” Zane puts me in front of him.

“Fine but next time I am going to kill Zane.” Scar takes Teddy hand and pulls him away.

“Anyways, let’s go I am hungry.” I grab Zane’s hand.

          I wonder if all relationships are like ours. I mean all trustworthy, humorous, and communicate able or something like that. Well okay so it is sort of like that. I mean we did have a fight but we talked about it and now I am remembering what happened yesterday, which is making me sad.

“Okay so what do you want for food?” he opens the door for me.

“Um I was thinking no food from school and when I am home I can eat. I do not want to eat this weird lunch food.” Zane pushes me to the line.

“I promised myself you would eat and by darn gosh you will eat.” He grabs a plate of pizzia and one for him.

“Okay fine.” I grab my plate.

          Why does he want to feed me? I am okay with not eating this gross food.

<Scar: Teddy and I ditched and the last hang out party is still on for tonight.>

          Well I do not want to know where they went.

<Anne: Yes Scar I remember.>

“Okay so I was thinking I have to apply to this one art school in some far away city and they have a english teaching program for you.” I drop my pizzia.

“I have totally forgotten about college. Shit I have to call the schools and tell them I am not going.” Zane looks at me confused.

“It is a long story, but the point is I have to manage my mom’s business. I am going to go to the community college they have at Glendora.” Zane’s face looks hurt.

“Why do you want to go there?” Zane pushes his food out of his way.

“I want to go there to save some money and I want to take care of my mom’s business.”  I grab his hands.

“Then I am going with you.” I shake my head.

“Uh no. look you have to do to get your career. I am not going to hold you back. And I can go visit you on weekends or whatever. Now do not think about that anymore. I am not saying we are going to break up we are just going to separate schools.” I smile at him.

“Then I guess I am going to Glendora with you.” He smiles back.

“No you are not. You are going to that far away school. Look Zane this is already hard for me do not do this to me.” I push my plate away.

“Okay but we’re talk about this later.” He grabs pizzia and eats it.

          Ah I hate my life right now. I miss my mom, I wish she was here. She could have given me advice. Now I have to ask his mom and that is going to be weird. I mean what if she tells him what we talked about. Great my life just got more worst.

<Anne: I do not think I am going to be able to hang out today. I have to talk with Zane about school.>

<Scar: Okay I understand. Well I will miss you.>

<Anne: I will miss you too.>

“I still do not understand why you cannot just let someone take over temporarily and go to school.” Zane sits on the bench.

“I cannot let anyone take over because it is now my business. I have to take responsibility.” I clench my fist.

“Fine do whatever you want. I was talking to my mom and I came to the conclusion that since I am starting college in two weeks we are going to have to break up. Long distance relationships do not work.” Zane tries to grab my hand.

“Then why did you ask me out if you knew this was going to happen. Just leave me alone. I need to be alone.” Zane walks away

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