It takes two to Mango

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After getting everything situated at AHA about me dropping out of high school and a firm discussion with my parents about the profit margins of mango farming I set out to buy land. I really need to talk to Abby because if we are going to mango together I want her to have a say in the matter. I shot Abby a text asking her to talk after school and telling her that I loved her.

Me and Mandi have had a great relationship. We understand each other like two peas in a pod. When he first asked me out I thought to myself " umm nah" is this really the right guy for me? But after a few dates and learning all the football chants I was hooked on some Mandi.  I was excited to get his text today because I wanted to talk to him about our future and how well I think this relationship is going.  I'm excited to see where this goes!  Waiting behind the stairs at aha mandi comes up behind me and gives me a quick peck on the cheek. He's so sweet like that.  "What's going on him?" I ask him eagerly... Instead of answering mandi got out a jar and a spoon and said taste. "Mandi you know I'm not into the whole man dominant thing" he just chuckled and gave me the spoon. "I've been trying out some new passions of mine and I'm really excited about it" "please just try it" he said. I looked at that the weird orange goo and decided that nothing could be worse than him dropping the towel so I stuck the spoon in my mouth.  The most amazing flavors of mango chutteny exploded on my tounge and I was in aw. "When and how did you make this Mandi! It's amazing!"  I have had a new passion for mangos lately and would love for you to join me to my mango farm he said. This was somthing I could not refuse, mangos and Mandi... Double win.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 05, 2016 ⏰

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