▼Chapter 3▼

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Quinton's in the Multimedia.

Kyle Montgomery

I woke up in the middle of the night, shivering up a damn storm. I had fell asleep in the pool house after Quinton had left.

I smiled unintentionally, just thinking about him. I didn't know why but the more he figures out the real me, the more I feel closer to him. It's like he's someone that finally cares, and is interested in looking beyond my facade. Last night when he told me about how he pretends too, it opened my eyes to a whole nother degree. He was beginning to make me realize things that I would have never considered.

Quinton was starting to figure me out, and I was letting him.

I sat up from the couch. The fire had gone out in the fire place, and a breeze was coming from one of the windows. I looked at my phone and saw that it was nearing 4 in the morning.

The last thing I wanted to do was sleep in that house. I closed the window and tip toed to a closet, searching for a quilt, and when I found one I walked back over to the couch and replayed that kiss over and over in my mind.

I had never in my life been kissed like that, and I still felt tingly inside about it. I didn't know why, but Quinton was starting to make me feel things that I never did before, and for some reason I didn't want to shy away from it like I did everything else. I wanted to embrace this feeling in a full on collision. I wanted to feel him and I wanted to make up for lost time for when we pretended. But I knew that couldn't happen, at least not that easily.

I felt vulnerable, almost too vulnerable. He had seen me cry, and he had confronted the things that had transpired.

He was real, and I didn't understand how he could possibly pretend. I didn't get it. I almost felt offended. Did he not like me that whole time? I mean obviously he likes me now, but did the player just get played? Not in dating terms, but what did he have to hide? Who was Quinton Shae, really?

I didn't understand, and moment by moment I began to grow curious. He was beginning to intrigue me, and I felt as if he had read my book, but I wasn't even on the first page of his. I hadn't even really read the description.

I kind of felt robbed, but almost in a secure way, where as I knew I would get my stuff back. Quinton made me feel as if I had nothing to worry about.

I back asleep, thinking about his soft but firm lips.

 "Kyle you have a guest!" My moms voice was loud as hell, and I jumped up. She was in the door way of the pool house, with her womans business suit on. She looked tired, and frustrated, but I didn't care to hear about her problems, not that I would find them out anyways.


"I don't know. Some girl. I almost thought you didn't come home last night. Why did you sleep in here?"

"Would you even care? And because I wanted to."

"Whatever. I have work to do. But can you go pick up your brother later this evening?"

"I don't have a car,"

"Your father told me." I was surprised at that. I was surprised that they even got any type of conversation in actually. 


"Take the Lexus."

She walked out at went back into the house. 

I stood up and slowly walked into my room. I'd be damned if it was either Marina or Riley here for me. They were just too much at times, but I doubted it would be them since the party was last night. I washed my face and brushed my teeth, and walked down stairs.

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