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Jay wasn't as supportive of Louis' decision as Liam had been.

The frazzled boy decided to pay his family a visit before he took off, booking a flight out of Doncaster the following day.

Like expected, four excitable kiddos came running through the tended yard as soon as they caught sight of Louis' ostentatious vehicle, with Lottie and Felicity following lazily behind.

Louis picked up the nearest sibling, cooing as Doris nuzzled into his neck.

"Hello Loves," he greeted, waving at the other five stragglers. "You've all grown so much!"

As the lot trudged inside, Lottie muttered something about Louis' near nonexistence in the family but he chose to ignore her, instead, reaching into his backpack and pulling out some gifts he picked up I'm London before he left.

The kids squealed, stating how much they'd been wanting the new Wii Dance game.

Louis gave himself a mental pat on the back. Thinking, at least he'd done something right.

Daisy took no time sliding the game into the consol. While they were occupied, Lottie pulled Louis to the side, Felicity follwing slowly behind her.

Louis studied his two sisters, feeling a bit choked up. They really had grown up in the past few years.

Lottie was nearly eighteen, and had dyed her hair a lilac color, while Fizzy turned sixteen last month. Liam had luckily reminded him to send her a birthday card.

"I like your hair," Louis commented stupidly, not sure where to start. "It brings out your eyes."

Both girls groaned, exchanging annoyed grimaces.

"Mum didn't tell us you were coming," Fizzy spoke up, pushing her bangs back. "Was it meant to be a surprise or something?"

Louis shrugged, picking up his suitcase and bringing it over to the stairs, the girls following suit.

"She didn't tell you because She doesn't know herself," he heaved, "speaking of, where is mum?"

"Out to lunch with Angela," Lottie took the suitcase from him, ignoring his complaints. "She'll be home soon."

They entered Louis' old room, which looked exactly the same albeit a few too many dust bunnies.

"Just place it there," Louis pointed to a chair in the corner. Lottie nodded, putting the luggage down and coming to sit on his black bed.

"I wasn't expecting to see you home." Louis layed back, scooting his hands behind his head. Sometime between arriving upstairs and finding Louis' room Fizzy had disappeared, leaving Louis alone with his, once, closest sibiling.

Lottie stayed upright, turning back to look at him. "We had the day off. Teacher workday or something."

"Those days were my favorite."

Yeah," Lottie said stiffly. "I know."

Before Louis could open his mouth again, she got up and left, leaving a storm of dust behind her.

Louis slumped, digging the heel of his palm into his eyes. "What can I do to fix this?"

A voice in his head reminded him he was about to make the situation worse.

Not long after, a slamming door snapped Louis out of his thoughtful reverie. He yawned, fixing his fringe to perfection.

Louis could recognize the familiar click of heels on the linoleum floor downstairs, and smiled, reminiscing the days when he'd bolt out of his room upon hearing the noise, knowing his mum was home to listen to the tales of his day at school.

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