Proceed with caution

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Special thanks to:

Dawnabc Batonbonker for pointing out all the errors this chapter had and helping me correct them. THANK YOU!


Part  IX

[Proceed with caution]

Aiden turned into an empty space between two cars and set it into park. He didn’t bother to turn his car off since his brother was only going in to the store for a few things he wanted to snack on after a long, heavy session of football practice. Usually it would be his dad who’d pick up Leon from football practice, but their father was still at work finishing up with a client.

Even though Aiden wasn’t feeling very well, he didn’t mind doing this small favor for him.

“Here,” Aiden handed his exhausted brother, whose face was smeared with dirt, a few extra bills. “Just in case you go over.”

Taking the cash from Aiden's outstretched hand and muttering a thanks, his brother softly shut the car door and hurried to the small convenience store.

Once his brother was out of sight, Aiden pulled a bottle of Advil out of the front pocket of his shorts and opened the bottle hastily, taking note of the light shake in his hands.

Ignoring it, Aiden popped two pills into his mouth and swallowed them without anything to drink. He had planned to ask his brother to buy him a drink but with the headache piercing him, he had forgotten to ask.

He leaned his head back against the seat and closed his eyes, letting out a groan. He felt completely disoriented, all because of a stupid headache. He had to even call his work and cancel his shift for the evening because he was feeling too shitty to do anything at the moment. What the hell was wrong with him was beyond him. The headaches had become stronger and stronger by each passing day.

Aiden refused to talk about his frequent headaches with his mother because he doesn’t want to worry her with more problems. She has enough to deal with as it is. Plus, she would fuss about him to no end, wanting to do this and that for him so he could get better, and most likely she would forget all about her poor health. Aiden couldn’t have that.

The passenger door open with a slight squeak and slammed closed, startling Aiden. Plastering on a half-hearted smile, Aiden turned to his brother as he felt his bones groaned in agony.

“Ready?” He asked, eyeing the plastic white bag his brother had set down by his muddy shoes.

Clicking his seat belt in, his brother nodded.


The rules were simple. No one is allowed to run anywhere near any homes or roads. Everyone is to stay within the safe haven of their rightfully owned forest. Reila was okay with that as long as she got to run wild and free while in her natural born skin. They were seconds away from the rising of the full moon. Every member of the Bloodhound clan was becoming more and more impatient with every second that flies by. Even Yenny was becoming rowdy with her speech, cursing here and there like some barbaric sailor, tired of the wait. Reila thought Yenny was lucky that their parents were both busy dealing with the rest of the clan to pick up on her naughty tongue.

“Oh, god!” Ami exclaimed as she closed her eyes and stretched out her pale arms up towards the darkening sky. “I can feel the moon’s love,” she purred.

Reila smiled at her silly pack mate.

Ami opened her eyes and stared at Reila, her green eyes glowing. “Perhaps tonight I will finally be able to meet him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2013 ⏰

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