Chapter 3

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I awake to find myself on a soft bed in a small room. Sunlight was pouring in through open curtains and giving a full view of the room. It had creamy white walls and grey carpet.

The only other furniture in the room was an old wood dresser and chair. I try to remember how I got here and my memories of the previous night come rushing back into my head.

"Hello?" I look around quickly and try to get up, finding that my left wrist was tied to the bed post. I pull at the rope and try to untie it.

The rope not budging started to pump adrenaline and panic into my system. " Help!" I yell while tearing at the rope.

My vision was starting to blur with tears as I desperately pull at the rope. My skin was being rubbed raw by the rope everytime I tried to free myself.

I put all my effort into the next pull, causing my wrist to come out, but dislocate in the process.

I screamed and quickly cradled my wrist to my chest hoping the pain would go away. I shake my head and ignored the pain. I stood up, still cradling my wrist and head towards the door.

I prayed it wasn't locked, and luckily for me, it wasn't. I opened the door and ran...straight into someone's chest. I fell back unto the floor and whimpered at the pain in my wrist from the contact.

I closed my eyes tight and didn't dare look up. My body naturally curled up into a ball of fear and I started sobbing.

"I'm going to die." I choked between my sobs. I heard a sigh from a man which made me dare to look up.

I gave a small gasp as I saw the man from the diner before me, his hands rubbing his temples. " Get up. " He looked down on me and crossed his arms. I didn't respond. "Get up now. " I scampered up, careful not to put pressure on my wrist.

He looked at me up and down, then gave another sigh. "Come on." His tone was lighter and he grabbed my good hand and it shot tingles through my arm and I shuttered at the feeling.

We started walking down the hallways and towards an unknown destination. And I have no idea why, but I let him lead me. I was in a forest scented, tingled fueled trance.

I thought about asking questions, but even though I tried, no words came out. I was just opening and closing my mouth like a dead fish while looking at the ground. What is wrong with me?

He lead me down 2 hallways and down a flight of stairs before stopping infront of a door. He looked at me while saying, "Giselle, please be calm about this." His voice was deep and calming, and I was completely charmed by it.

" Ok." I breathed out. Why am I acting like this? How does he know my name? How did I get here? Huh, where are the kids?! Did they make it back? Where's jeffery?!...Jeffery....had turned into a wolf . Wolves were coming at us.

The realization kicked me out of his trance. I yanked my arm away from the man and backed up. "W-who are you? Where are the kids at?! Where is Jeffery?!"

"Giselle, most of them are ok." " How do you know me...And most of them? Oh my gosh. You killed them! You killed them you Psycho!!" I turned around and bolted in the opposite direction.

I only got about 10 feet away before I was grabbed by the waist and pulled close to the man's chest. I ignored the tingles it gave me and punched the man with my good arm.

"Help me!! Please!" He covers my mouth and gives a deep growl. Why is a grown man growling? He slings me over his shoulder, knocking the wind out of me. He goes back to the door and opens it.

Inside the room there was an infirmary with a chair with straps in the middle. I was confused at first, but when he stepped in I panicked. He could be getting a knife to cut me up and slow my death.

I was panicking and crying as he took me inside the room. " Please kill me fast. Please!" I said between sobs. He looked back at me for a second with a sad expression on his face. He turned back around so I couldn't see him anymore.

"Eina." "Yes Alpha?" A woman with dirty blonde hair, brown eyes and glasses stepped from behind a medicine shelf. She looked at me and then him and made an "O" shape with her mouth. " Ahh. Is this her?" He gave a nod. "Well come set her down then. "

Eina said whilst gesturing towards the chair in the center. " She also dislocated her wrist." He looked down at me in suprise.

My wrist was already put back into place with little to no swelling. I look at it in suprise as well. I don't remember it going back into place and surely it would be more swollen.

He looked into my eyes with confusion. "How did you?.."
I looked away from his gaze and shrugged. I don't know how I healed so fast, it was just something I naturally did ever since I was little.

Usually it took atleast 30 minutes and more pain to heal something like that though. He looked away from me and back towards Dr.Eina.

"Nevermind. And you know what to do. " He had me placed on the chair and strapped in before I even knew what was going on. After he was done he just nodded at Eina, gave me one last curious look, and left the room.

( Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Any sort of advice would be helpful!)

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