Chapter 2

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As we went down the road and towards the mountains I couldn't help but smile eagerly. It had been forever since I went camping and it will be 10 times better since I am here with people. " When

are we going to be there?" Groaned an annoyed Beck. "Well we should get there in about 15 minutes, not including us hiking up to our

camping space. " Jeffery replied. " Ughhhh." Beck whined and fell back into his seat more. " Beck is your seat belt on?" I looked into the

backseats to see him, Teddy, and Ross all struggle to put their seat belts on fast. I gave a small laugh and shook my head. Boys will be boys. I look back towards the road

and enjoyed the ride. - le timeskip - We arrived at the hiking and camping spot around 4 'o clock and loaded up with our backpacks and

cooler. We all started walking up the trail to the campsite, ocasionally stopping so that I could tell the group about nature things. Overall I thought it was a good hike but Jeffery

and Beck seemed to be very uncomfortable along the way. I wonder why? Finally we made it to the perfect camping spot that I had chosen for us. I inhaled a large breath of fresh air.

"Isn't it wonderful up here guys?" I turned towards everyone smiling. "Yea, if you like getting eaten alive by mosquitos." Beck replied sarcastically. "I for one am great full to Miss Giselle for

taking time off just to spend some time with us. " Winn said while flashing a blue ribbon smile at me. I love the girl, but she can be a huge kiss - up. I gave her a warm smile back and started taking out the tents. " You girls stay and put up the

tents, we men will forage the woods for useful items, all while risking our lives and- " I cut Jeffery off. " Just go get some firewood already." I roll my eyes while he tried to look offended.

"Wow Giselle, you truly are the most cold blooded person I know!" Jeffery laughed at his own little mini drama. " Come on guys," He motioned the guys towards a more wooded part, " we will

go get some wood per the witches request. " " Stay safe!" I yell to them as they leave. Now it's just me, Winn, Bee, Ally, and Beth to set up the tents. Soon after the boys return with armfuls of dry wood while we are almost done setting the tents up. "

We only have 3 tents so you guys will have to share." "My partner is Bee!" Winn shouted while holding bee tightly. "Well I will go with Ally then. " Beth smiled. " I'm

not sleeping with any of these loses! " Beck says while crossing his arms and gritting his teeth. " Fine I guess you can sleep with the bears then. " Jeffery grinned as he saw Becks eye's open

wider. "Well I guess I will go with them, just to be their comforter when they pee themselves because of the bears." " Thats what I thought. " I gave off a giggle. These kids truly are the best. "Me and Giselle will be out

here keeping watch. Now, who's ready to eat?" We made made a bonfire and are currently roasting hotdogs. It is late in the evening, August winds were

blowing and making the temperature perfect. The kids were munching and I began to take out the smore supplies. " Hey Giselle, can I sit in your seat, the bonfire smoke is blowing in my

face." "Sure, just leave me some room. " Jeffery changed seats and I sit down, halfway on his lap, halfway on the chair. I began putting a marshmallow on my stick until I heard a loud growl. Everybody turned to face a

huge, HUGE wolf. The girl's screamed and ran into the 1st tent and the boys soon followed. The wolf did nothing but stare at Jeffery and I. I grabbed a stick that was partially on fire from the bonfire. And I have no idea how I think I know this

wolf, but I just feel like I saw it somewhere before. The wolf had a deep brown coat and yellow eyes that were gradually turning darker. "Giselle, I need you to move." Jeffery's voice was terrifying

me, I had never heard him talk like that before. I start to back away, fire part of stick facing the wolf and as the fire lit the wolf's surroundings I saw about 4 other wolves. They all

seemed to be..waiting. "Jeffery. ." I was about to reach for Jeffery when I noticed something strange. He seemed to be deforming in front of my eyes. His bones moved and cracked

and his flesh grew lots of fur and in about 10 seconds he became a wolf. This put me on the verge of a mental breakdown. I almost

dropped the stick and ran right then, but then I remembered the kids. The Jeffery wolf seemed more focused on the other 5 wolves so I swiftly moved to tent the kids were in. I

looked inside to see the kids with terrified looks on their faces. " Run to the van. Don't stop no matter what. " I push all the children out and they each burst off running. I look

over to see the Jeffery wolf and the brown wolf growling at each other and slowly moving closer. I look away and run down the trail. I couldn't see the kids but I hoped they were already at

the bottom. As I was running I heard a loud yelp, but I had didn't turn back. I ran some more, but soon I heard someone else running behind me. I get tackled to the ground, hitting my head

in the process. I start to see black dots floating around me. The last thing I see is the brown wolf coming towards me.

( Thank you everyone for reading!! If you have any suggestions for me about my writing I would love to hear them. Also no place like this and no people like this are real. Any similarities are a coincidence)

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