Chapter 1

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This is my first book and if you'll comment, please just take it easy. I'm apologizing in advance if there are errors or just some parts that you don't like but I'm still hoping you'll read on and find out what will happen in the end. I hope you'll like it. Fingers crossed. :)

P.S So far I've written 8 chapters and I don't know if I should continue it. I'd love to hear what you think about it. It would really help me out on my decision. Thanks. xx

*Chapter 1*

I love to sing. Like really. In fact, that is the reason I sort of got popular in school because I have a great voice. Partner it with my guitar skills, then bam! You'd probably think I'm awesome. Like a natural born star but not. Everything was going great. I have envisioned myself on that stage, spotlight on me, the crowd cheering for an encore but because of Faith, my dream, all planned out, remained just a dream. A dream so far out of reach now because it was taken from me, stolen.

Mom is waiting at the entrance, hands in the pockets of her coat, clearly cold, as she sees me walking towards her.

I don't like being late and usually, if ever I have planned to meet up with a friend or if ever I have an appointment with a doctor, I'd get there earlier than planned. I'm rarely tardy but with this one, I purposely planned on being late. I actually planned on not coming at all.

I wouldn't be able to bear to be compared to her. Also, to hear all of the compliments that other people will say about Faith. I'm so sick of it. People these days are just so insensitive, so unobservant that Faith, my very own sister, stole my dream. My dream! Not hers or anybody else's but mine.

"Hey!" Mom says as she pecks me on the cheek. "You're just in time."

Great. So much for being late. "Come on. Faith's already at the back and your father's waiting."

Christmas is coming.

When I was a kid, I loved christmas because of the snow. I loved it because it's something white, cold and beautiful. It always fascinated me when the first snow of the year would fall. The next mornings, I would wake up early, grab my green hoodie, run outside, run through the pile of snow, find a spot, lie down, spread my arms and feet then move them up and down.

After a few movements then, I have made an angel. I didn't like skiing, making igloos or snowmen out of snow but to make angels out of it was my absolute favorite. It was something I loved to do alone. I'd make thousands of them and name each one of them. Bubblegum, Popsicle, CreamPuff, Vanilla, Sugarcandy and Lollygoo were just some of the names I gave them. Every winter I did that. I was always looking forward for christmas until that incident.

I was 10, Faith was 9. I was making angels when Faith came out of the garage, holding a sled. I thought she was going to play with the other kids so I didn't even bother calling her. I was still making my angel when she called out to me. She asked me if we could slide down the slope. I told her to go away and to find someone else but she started to cry. I hushed her, hoping that mom or dad didn't hear her pathetic sobs. I said okay and then she stopped.


She led me up the highest slope and I sat in the sled first. I was ready. Both of my hands gripped the handle when she said that she left her earmuffs inside the house. She was holding the sled and when she let go, slowly, the sled started going down the slope.

"Faith! Faith!" I screamed.

She tried to grab me but it was too late. I was sliding down the slope, so fast that it stinged my eyes. The cold air hitting my face made me shiver. I was terrified. The next thing I know, I was in the hospital bed with my right leg wrapped up in a bandage, broken. Mom was beside me, asleep. When she woke up, she scolded me and grounded me from playing outside again. That is when it's winter. 

Still DreamingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon