Oh My God. What A Day.

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The next morning, I was ready to go. I didn't know where I was heading, but I knew that the path I was on was the right way. Deeper into the forest still, I walked and walked. After six hours of this, I noticed something very odd. There was no movement coming from the bushes, and I couldn't find a single animal track imprinted in the moist soil. Then, all of a sudden, I was blinded by a bright purple light coming from an opening up ahead.

I peered from behind some trees, and was amazed at the brilliant objectin front of me. There, hovering about an inch from the ground, was a white crystal as big as me. I  got up from my couched stance and slowly walked towards it, mesmerized.

Closer and closer I drew until my nose was touching it. This white crystal was so beautiful. I felt so powerful standing next to it. I pressed my finger against it, and was immobilized. The crystal was showing me something, projecting an image into my head.

I couldn't tell where this was taking place, or when, but I saw Lucas. Walking through a field of wheat in a hurry. He was rambling about something I could not understand. The only two words I could getfrom his mumbling were "Tolrez", and "Feril". Over and over again, he whispered those two names, as he searched for something.

He came across a small willow tree, barely two feet tall. He brushed his hand against it, and with a burst of light, the tree became ... me? What the Hell? It was the child me.... I used to be a willow tree? He laughed maniacally, and grabbed my wrist. Pulling me with haste back to the village, I could see greed in his eyes. He was looking for me all along.

Then scene changed. I saw Dasyer. She was crying. Two men were chasing after her. They were heading towards the forest of Reiwoods.

"Tolrez, you can't do this!" Dayser sobbed.

"Hahahah! You think your petty pleads will spare your life? Now I will ask one more time, where is the crystal?" Said Tolrez.

"Never would I even consider telling you where I hid it!"

"Well then. Feril, bring out the girl."

A glint of evil sparkled in Feril's eyes as he brought the young me out from the shadows. Screaming and kicking, I was frantically trying to get out of his grip.

"Either you tell us where you hid the crystal," began Tolrez, "or  I will kill your daughter."

"You would dare not to hurt a dryad, let alone kill one!" Dasyer screamed, her eyes pleading.

Pulling out a kitchen blade, he brought it to my younger self's throat. He barely pressed before a steady stream of blood spouted from my neck. I screamed loudly, which only caused the blood to rush out faster.

"NO! DO NOT HARM HER!" Dasyer hollered. Time froze. She stood panting, and grabbed me, leaving the men frozen there for who knows how long.

She and me ran, weaving between trees and bushes. Finally, we came to a small grove.

"Lavender, oh Lavender. Momma has to go now, but I promise I will always be there for you, okay? I know you will do great things, my sweet Crest." And with that final bid, I watched as she turned into a magnificent willow tree, blowing in the wind.

"Momma? Momma! Come back, momma!" The last thing I saw was the little me being dragged out of the forest by Lucas, about to be raised as a slave with no spirit.

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