Hello Again ... Goodbye Again

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Walking back to the house with Lucas, I couldn't help but silently cry. After all these years, I thought that I'd finally found a friend. Or, at least someone who I could talk to.

As we were walking, I saw something glint in the moonlight. A shovel? What was a shovel doing in the forest of Reiwoods? Seeing my chance, I quickly reached down and grabbed the handle. I swung as hard as I could, and hit Lucas square in the face. Blood squirting out of his nose, he fell to the forest floor, unconscious.

I was free. For the moment.

But I had to run. Not knowing where to go, I decided to run deeper and deeper into Reiwood, until my head was light from lack of oxygen, and my heart felt like it would burst out of my chest. Collapsing to the ground, the only sound was my heavy panting. I didn't recognize anything. I had never been this lost or lonely before. Yet, I felt elated. Never again would I have to see the mad scientist Lucas Horrezo. 

If only I knew what was to happen tomorrow morning. Then maybe I wouldn't have been so thrilled.


Awaking to the sound of birds chirping, I rubbed my eyes. Remembering the events that happened last night, I began to feel bitter. He burned her down. My willow. My only hope.

I screamed at the top of my lungs as a hand brushed against my shoulder. I could've sworn I was alone only two seconds ago.

"Hush, .... Lavender. It is .... only me ..." said Dasyer, barely a whisper.

I turn my head to get a look at her. She was human. Burns everywhere, her hair merely a charcol black. Her eyes drooped, and she could barely stand alone.

"Dayser! How did you find me?"

"I ..... I followed ... your heartbeat. We dryads can sense .... life in all forms.... " Falling into a pile of dried leaves, she couldn't even finish her sentence. Letting her rest for a few hours, I chose to take advantage of this time to go hunting for some berries. Three hours later, I returned to Dasyer with berries wrapped in leaves in one hand, and some honeycomb in the other.

Immediately I noticed something quite different about her. Dayser's hair was merely a dark brown, and most of the burns had fully healed. She was awake, and I needed some answers.

"How did you survive the fire? And how are you a human? What is going on, Dasyer? I need to know."

"Lavender, you are destined for greatness. Things you do not know are soon to come, but I can only help you understand your true potential. After that you must find out everything for yourself. In two days, Lucas plans to wipe the world of crystals. Without them, everything magyk will die, including you and me. The whole world will suffer." She started coughing vigorously, and her eyes drooped once again.

"What is wrong? Why are you so weak when you were fine  a second ago?" I asked.

"When dryads are about to die, we become what our inner beauty shows. It is my time, and it has been ever since he lit me on fire. I will miss you, my child. Forgive me for leaving you to life like this.

"Goodbye, my sweet Lavender Crest."

And before I could shed a single tear, Dasyer faded out into non-existence, leaving a thousand colors that shimmered as they caught the last light of the day.

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