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I walk through the woods with this kid on my back. "How much farther" I ask "Not far" she.says. "I am Felicity by the way" she says "Well yoh know who I am, This is Bells, Dawn and Dickinson" I say. "Nice to meet you guys, sorry about before" she says. "Its fine, you put up a hell of a fight" Bells says. "Yea she did" Dawn says "Our city is called" Felicity says then my Uncle interrupts " Agnimitra" he says then we walk into a clearing to see a huge, beautiful waterfall. "The friend of Fire" my Uncle says "You've been here before?" Felicity asks. "Its been a long time" he says. "Its beautiful" Dawn says "Yes it is that" Bells says looking at it. There is a slight rainbow at the too of the falls, the birds are chirping and everything is, well pedfect. "Well, theres only one way in" Felicity says then she dives into the water. "Well, you heard the girl" My Uncle says and jumps in after her. "And what the hell am I suppose to do with this rat" I say. "Carry him in" Dawn says "Well I wasn't the one who knocked him out why should I carry him" I say. "Because you love me" she says then dives into the water. "Shes got ya there cuz" Bells says then dives into the water. "I can take it the rest of the way" The boy says jumping off my shoulder. "How long have you been awake?" I ask "About thirty minutes" he says. "Really, really" I say then he dives into the water. Wow this kid has guts well I guess its time for me to go. I dive into the warm water following the group under the waterfall. I come out on the otherside of the falls Dawn and Bells are sitting on a rock ledge. My Uncle is walking into the cave and Felicity is, making out with that boy. "Alright, Alright lets get going" I say pulling myself onto the rock ground. The cave is beautiful the spikes are shakeing as Bells and Dawn talk. "Guys, shhh" I say pointing at the ceiling. Who knows what they where talking about but its not worth our lives. We walk through the cave for a good while untill we reach the gate. "George let us in" Felicity says "Who's that with you?" George asks "This is prince Alistar" she says. "Thats.... Thats impossible the prince is dead" he says. "It is him now let us in" Felicity says. The gate opens and we walk in. "Take us to Xavior" my uncle says. "How do you know my father" Felicity says "He was a good friend, and the kings and I's " he says. We follow Felicity, the town is rather huge its weird how they could build a city in a cave. The marketplace is full ofpeople "There is alot of rebels" I say. "Yep, a decent size army if we need it" Felicity says. She leads us to her home "Father where are you?" Felicity yells. "In here" a mans voice says. She leads us to a small room with a desk and chair. "Father this is" he cuts her off "Felicity my child, leave us" he says she does as he says takeing her her boyfriend with her. I didn't catch his name I will have too get it later. Bells pets Castro who had been by our side this whole time I haven't acknowledged him in a while, he is such a good dog I dont deserve such a great companion. "Brayden" Xavior says "Xavior" Uncle Brayden says. I look back and forth between them sinceing the friction. "Alistair, we thought you where dead" Xavior says stareing at me. "I have been getting that alot lately" I say. " You look just like your Father" he says "What do you want Brayden" Xavior says. "Just a place to hide out for a few days" Brayden says. "Alright a few days" he says "Hey guys could we get some privacy" Brayden says. "Yes" I say and the girls and I leave the room. We walk out the door we came in at to see Felicity sitting.on the steps holding hands with her boyfriend. I sit down leaning against the wall on one side of me Dawn lays down olaceing her head gently on my lap. And on the other side of me Bells sits down. Dawn and Bells start talking, I ignore them closeing my eyes just for a quick nap. I wake to being shaken vigorously by Dawn "come on everybody lets get settled in" Brayden says. We follow him to a small cabin on the edge of town. Its old looking and kinda small definitely not your average castle. We walk inside as soon as you walk into takes you into a sitting room. It is very dark so I pull some matches out of my pocket and light some candles. "There are three bedrooms, Dawn and Alistair I figured you two wouldn't mind sleeping together in the master bedroom and Bells the second door on the right is yours. The girls go to there rooms to give Brayden and I some time to talk. "Alright I have waited long enough, its time for me to tell you everything" he says.

Journal of Richard O'Conner (Alistair O'Conners father

I remember very little about my childhood I remember it was cold very cold and not having a pot to piss in on top of that made it ten times worse. My parents where killed by a pale man called Godfrey he murdered them right above my brother and I as we where hiding in the cellar peeking through the cracks,. He was a evil hero and hunted down and killed good hero's I have made it my upmost vow to kill him. My grandfather who was also a hero took us in and trained us to be hero's to save the relm from evil. Today I am nineteen and Grandfather is taking us to the dragons lair so our dragons can choose us. My dragon is the blue and green one grandfather says that it means my powers are fire and water. Now I am 26 years old and the Great war has been going on almost 6 years now. Its a war between the good and and.

End of flashback

Alistair O'Conner POV

What was that, in my head it was like I was there but I wasn't" I yell "SHH!!" He says. Then suddenly there is a scream from in the back and Bells and Dawn come running out. In tears Bells is trying to say something to me. I cant understand her between her sobs "Bells what's going on" I demand "I saw" she says sobbing. "Bells what's going on!" I am yelling now. If she would just say it I wouldn't be so worried I have never seen her like this, she always has been the tough girl who never cries. "I saw you die" she cries". Dawns face goes pale I know she is upset but she is doing a great job comforting her. BOOM!! an explosion rings through my ears and then screams from outside cause us all to run to the door. There are fires everywhere and I know we brought them here "Changelings" Brayden says. "Whats a" I say as a sword goes through my chest wow didn't see this coming. Then I see him, he is white too white his long white braided hair comes down to hi shoulders. Was he invisible I didn't even see him come at me. I fall backwards as Uncle Brayden catches me and pulls me inside and gently lays me down. Bells and Dawn jump over me and go after the changeling without hesitation I hear swords clank as blood gushes from my mouth. "Uncle, show me my Mother and father, when they where happy" I say. "Of coarse" he says with tears falling from his face. Castro comes over and licks my face whining as he lays next to me. I see my mother beautiful Dark brown hair past her waist as I look around I notice me are on a beach. She is watching my father and a baby that must be me as he holds my arms walking me along the shore line. They are smiling and laughing as I mumble daddy, mommy as I walk along and I know this was there happiest moment of all. I open my eyes too see Bells is bending down to hug me. "Don't leave me, I need you AL" she cries. Dawn has her face buried into my chest weeping and weeping. I cant leave them my life has just begun "I will save you Alistair, I promise" Brayden says then I close my eyes and I let the darkness take me.

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