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Alistar Pov

"Alistar...where are you?" Bellatrix says I jump out of the bushes and scare her. She jumps "Damn you Alistair" she says. I cant contain myself I laugh till my gut hurts. She throws me a thick stick "arm yourself" she says She grabs another stick I position my feet. "Oh those lessons with Master Daniel has paid off...well Lady Taylor has been teaching me" she says. " Finally a worthy opponent" "Worthy my ass": she says then hits my sword we fight for a few seconds then she runs through the garden maze. I follow but when I turn the corner she is gone. "What ? Get scared" I yell she jumps on top of me from a bush and we fall to the ground side by side. "Your dead" she says between heavy breaths. "Lets get back to the castle before we get caught being out here so late" I say. I can tell that my mother is up because her Candles at her bedside are still lit. It has been a year since my Uncle Brayden died (Bellatrix's dad) being that we where his closest kin my mother took her in saying it is her Christian duty but I know its cause it would look bad for the family if she didnt. Everyone calls her Bells but my mother hates it and thinks it is not lady like. We sneak in through the kitchen where Jenkson the fat guard always gets drunk and sleeps all night. Without a word we go our separate ways to our rooms which are right across from each other. I cant believe I will be 19 tomorrow if my older brother dies I can officially take the throne. I cant stand my brother ever since he got lost at sea he has changed even his looks have changed he looks evil. My Father was a great king, he told me storys about all of his adventures of magic, good and evil but.I know they where just stories because magic isnt real. I call Castro my dog to bed he was laying on the floor waiting for my return. " Alistar you are in grave danger you must leave" A beautiful blonde woman's says "Who are you?" I ask "Wake Now he is here" She says. I wake to the sound of Castro barking there is a dark shadow at my window I am half tempted to yell for the guards but I don't. "Alistar you must come with me" A man says climbing through my window. I try to let out a cry for help but my throat is so dry I get out a weird cracking sound. "Don't fear my prince, my name is Dickinson I was a friend of your father and uncle and we must get your cousin and leave now" he says. I sit there stareing at him like an idiot "Now! Alistar your brother is going to have you and your cousin killed come morning. I jump up not thinking and put on a pair of old pants and a shirt. "Alistair! What's going on?" Bells says opening the door. "We must leave this is a friend of our fathers" I say. She just stares at me with nothing to say. "Now!" Dickinson says grabbing us by the arm and dragging us out the window. I look down, two story's below us on the ground there is a horse drawn wagon and a hooded person at.the reigns. "Jump!" Dickinson says I grab Bells hand and we jump, Castro follows. We land on hay that was in the back of the wagon I look up to Dickenson and he is being taken by guards. "GO!!" he screams. The person in the front snaps the reigns I look at Bells and she gives me a look then looks at a sword I shake my head no but its too late she's going for it. "Don't even think about it" The person says Wait I know that voice its a woman's voice it cant be her could it?. The girl from my dreams is sitting right in front of me I cant beleive it she was right there. "I don't like her" Bells whispers. "What are we going to do now?" I ask "We are going to rescue him" she says. I stay silent as she comes to a stop "Alright Ill take first watch yall get some sleep" she says. Bells and I make a bed of hay and I pull a horse blanket over top of us. The cricket's are chirping loud, I see Bells twirling her hair looking at the stars. This blanket is itchy I miss my silk sheets at home. I guess the life of a prince is over for me. I wake to the sound of horses the girl puts her finger over her lips with a silent shhh. The guards pass us not knowing we are there "Who are you?" Bells asks. " I am Dawn, A friend of Dickinson, We don't have time to chat we have too help him" she says. She grabs a sword and throws it to Bells "Can you use this?" she says "Uh want to find out" Bells says. "I like your attitude, you will need it" Dawn says "Alright what's the plan?" I say stopping Bells from saying something sarcastic. "Alright this morning I went into town and found out that Dickinson is being executed for treason, we are going to put these cloaks on and walk right in" she says. "That's your big plan?" Bells says "Its not going to be easy but I need to know that you two will fight like hell to get out alive" she says. Bells and I knod, We follow Dawn back to town "Hoods up" Dawn says and Bells and I ldo as she says. The guards armor has changed its all black and all the horses are black. "What happened to there armor? I ask "After you two left the evil has completely taken over .. The evil is now more powerful than ever it has taken over this kingdom" Dawn says. I look around noone is here the market is completely empty. We find a few people and follow them because everyone has to be at this execution. Suddenly I am grabbed from behind. Someones hand is over my mouth I can't yell I cant do anything. I watch Bells and Dawn walk away not even noticing I was gone. I struggle against a huge man, his hands are as big as my face. I kick and kick as hard as I can but I am no match for this "brute". I close my eyes the pain from him squeezing me as we walk is horrid. "Hello Alistar" Someone says I ooen my eyes to see my Mother standing before me. The brute drops me to the ground my sword comes out of my sheath a few feet away from me. "Don't even think about it you little bastard" she yells I look ate her in confusion. "Yes thats right I am not your Mother, Your Mother is scum, Pirate scum. Your Father loved her, I was just a royal he decided to marry. And your uncle, well lets just say he was great in the sack" she says. "They called your Father and Uncle Hero's but they where men and your Uncle and I where in love" she says. I run for my sword, grab it and swing at the first person that comes near me. It was a guard, and his head is at my feet, blood is everywhere. I realise we are sitting in the queens booth at the arena I look out the window to see Bells, Dawn and Dickenson chained to a pole in the middle of the arena. "Let my friends go!" I yell "I am not finished telling you the story" she says. "Well your Uncle disappeared with Bellatrix's whore of a mother and left me with his son and there daughter" she says. "Who is the son?" I ask "Oh thats right, Your suppose to be king, Charles is really your cousin, Not your Brother" she says. I can't believe all this is happening, I am a bastard prince and my brother is really my cousin Bells brother. I look back to Bells and she has climbed up the tall pole and is trying to break the chain that I am guessing is tied to the top of the pole. I turn back and my mother well I guess not my mother, is standing next to me. "You and I could rule the kingdom, together, forever" she says then I watch her hand as she grabs my crotch. ;Get off me you sick bitch" I say. "Fine, seize him!" She says. And the brute comes at me, I only have one option. I jump out the window falling, falling to my certain death.The air rushing past me feels awsome like I could fly. I close my eyes as I get closer to the ground then I just stop, I open my eyes to see that I am floating in the air. I look at Dickinson and his arm is outstretched torwards me. Then he drops his arm to his side and I hit the ground hard. "Release the first creature"My mother yells. I jump up not thinking running to set my friends free. I hear a noise like a sloshing sound then a pop and I am stuck in some clear goo. I turn around to see the ugliest creature I have ever seen and its comeing straght at me. I throw my sword to the closest person to me. Dawn catches it and swings it at a huge goblin looking thing. " The Spider monkey, and the soul, blood sucking Barghest's" My mother yells. The spider monkey is right on top of me. I look over Dawn slices through its leg like butter. It falls over screaming, Dawn runs over and cuts me free of the, I guess web. "Release the Amphisbaena" My Mother yells. "We have too get out of here now" Dickinson yells. "Oh Brayden, leaving so soon but the party has just begun" My mother says. Brayden, Uncle Brayden, I cant beleive it is him I was so young when he left I couldn't remember his face. I look up at Bells who is still on top of the pole fighting off the Barghest's that are climbing the pole. The Amphisbaena is a huge snake with heads at both ends and its heading straight for Dickinson. I see a guard protecting the gate to the Queens box. I run as fast as I can to him, I tackle him as hard as I can. He dosent struggle at all as I wrap my head around his head and snap his neck. I grab his sword and pistol without even thinking about what I had just done. Bells pole has been broken, one of the snake head's are wrapped around it. Bells is on the ground screaming, A Barghast is holding her down and there is white smoke looking stuff comeing out of her mouth. The wind is knocked out of me as I am lifted into the air by the spider monkeys hand. I pull the pistol from my side, "Die Bitch!" I yell as I shoot him in the head. He drops me and I fall hard to the ground. The spyder monkey is falling right on top of me I roll to the right as fast as I can just avoiding his huge body. I look torwards my friends and I see Dawn stabbing the Barghest in the head that is on top of Bells. I start running to Dickonson who is running around avoiding the snake thing. I slide my sword into a loop of the chain and break it. Dawn just cut Bells loose and we are running for the gate. I feed a ball into my pistol and shoot the lock on the gate. "Stop them" My Mother yells but its too late we are already through the gate. We follow Dickinson and he leads us to a stable. Dawn picks a white horse, I get a black one and bells, wait where's Bells. I turn around frantic and I run back outside and I run into someone hard, we bumped heads and now my head hurts. "Ouch Alistar" I open my eyes to see Bells. "Where we're you!!" I yell "I had to get my sword " she says. Her and her sword, oh yeah I forgot it was her father's sword, who is actually standing behind us. Bells jumps on a brown horse and Dickinson gets stuck with the ugly black and white one. At the edge of town my trusty dog casrro is waiting for us like I told him too and he follows us without me having to say a word. We ride out of town not knowing where we are going hopefully Dawn and Dickenson have a plan. We ride for a while in silence till finally after the stern looks from Dawn, telling me that I needed to get answers Now!. "Can someone tell me whats going on, maybe you can tell me something Uncle Brayden" I say. "Yes I do owe you two answers but I think I should talk to my daughter first" he says. My heart starts to ache, I miss my father, he would always talk to me before I went to sleep, I would tell him about my day and he would tell me about his. "This looks like a good place to camp, we have pit some distance between us and the kingdom about 20 miles"Brayden says. The memorys of my father has overwhelmed me and tears syart rushing down my face and I jump off my horse and run into the woods. I find a hollow stump that has a small opening that I can climb into. I sit and cry for hours I really dont know how long I can hear my name being called in the distance but I ignore them. Finally I hear someone a twig breaks right outside my stump. I reach for my sword to make sure it is there, it is resting in its sheath. Its night now, I jump out not thinking, with all my anger and greif my sword bursts into flames and so does the ground around me. "Your powers grow strong when we are together" Dawn says. My legs go limp and I fall to the ground not paying any regard to what she just said I start crying again. She sits on the ground next to me and I lay my head on her lap and she runs her fingers through my hair. I feel something, something I have felt as long as I can remember, when I dreamt of her I felt it. "Why have I dreamt of you, my whole life I have dreamt of you, and I love you, I cant explain it I feel like I have known you my whole life" I say. "We have a connection, it has been preordained for thousands of years, we where meant to be together" she says. She lays down and I lay next to her and place my face about three inches from hers. "I can believe that" I say she smiles, wow she has a killer smile and her long dirty blonde hair is covering her face. I take my hand and move it from her face. I get closer and closer till if I moved anymore our lips would be touching. She pulls me to her and she kisses me and this, this is the most wonderful moment of my life. "Lets get back at camp, Bells is worried sick" Dawn says. "I like it when you boss me around" I say then I bump into her. She smiles and we reach for.each others hand. Hand in hand we walk into camp Bells is sitting next to the fire. She turns to me seeing that Dawn and I are holding hands she smiles giving me her approval. Dawn and I lay down next to each other and she falls asleep on my chest almost right away. Bells is stareing at the stars, I can tell she is upset and I know its because of the talk she had with her father. The fire is bright.makeing Dawn glow even more than usual I fall asleep knowing that she is the last thing I see before I fall asleep. I am in the castle garden running through the maze about to reach the middle. "I love you Alistar" Dawn says standing on the other side of the fountain in the middle if the maze. "Are we dreaming?" I ask "Yes thats one of our powers of cannection. We are the only people that can do this" she says. I run to her, grab her and kiss her. I can't beleive I am with her she is beautiful and I am just a bastard prince. I love her and she loves me. I wake to the sound of Bells yelling my name. "Time to get up you two" she says smileing. "We are about a mile away fron the rebels camp" My uncle says. I still haven't got my explanation I guess Bells will tell me later because I am sick of asking him. We walk through the woods about.a half a mile. We walk on two young kids kissing very, very passionately. "Ahm" My Uncle says The boy turns around pulling his sword from its sheath pointing it at my uncle. I pull out my sword and point it at him. "Your a cocky little son of a bitch arnt you" I say. The girl standing beside him has her sword crossed with Bells sword "Uncle I think these children need to be taught a lesson" I say "Alright go ahead" He says. I get into my stants and so does the boy. He strikes my sword I move dodgeing his next blow. "Come on boy, you can do better than that" I say. I swing around a tree causing him to hit the tree hard and droping his sword. He comes around fast and tackles me to the ground. My sword slung about three feet away from me. The next thing I know his hands are around my neck and squeezing hard. I kick him hard in the nuts causeing him too fall off of me. I jump up and so does he, he runs for his sword grabs it and turns around. I click my pistol, "Thats cheating" He yells. "What can I say .....I'm half pirate" I say. My Uncle laughs in hysterics and Dawn and Bells are still fighting the girl. "Call your Bitches off" The boy says. My jaw drops and I know Dawn and Bells heard it cause they are walking over here. "Big mistake!" I say As Bells punches him hard in the face. He spits blood "You hit like a girl" he says I see Dawn getting ready to do something. "Dawn, don't hurt him" I say but its too late she kicks him hard in the chest he flys back and hits the ground hard knocking him out. The girl runs over to him brushing the hair out of his face. "I'm sorry, but he deseved it" I say "I know, but he was protecting me" she says in tears. "Who are you people" she says "I am prince Alistar" I say Her eyes get big as she wipes her tears. She stands and bows "My lord, we thought you where dead" she says.


End of chapter 1


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The Pic is of Alistair and Dawn

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