Chapter 3

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-Yuni's P.O.V.-
We have been waiting for our sensei to arrive at the training ground for about 4 hours now! I ate breakfast like I said I would and Sasuke scolded me for it. Unfortunately now I am starting to get hungry again. Sitting around bored can make you hungry you know! At the moment I am sitting next to Sasuke resting my head on his shoulder.
"Nii-san I'm bored..." I told him. He just sighed. "From now on I think we should arrive at least 3 hours late since it seems pretty obvious that he won't be arriving on time." He grunted. "It would allow you to sleep in later." After I said that he nodded his head in agreement. I then felt Sakura's Chakra approaching us. I looked up and she glared at me.
She turned to Sasuke, "Sasuke-kun do you mind if I sit next to you?" She asked as she batted her eyelashes. 'Seriously, stop that already you don't look cute!'
"Hey Nii-san, can I hit her? She is SO annoying. I don't know how I will survive this team."
"I agree she is annoying. And I guess we will just have to survive." Sasuke-nii answered.
With a sigh I looked Sakura in the eyes and said, "Will you go away cake face?" I asked sweetly.
"What did you call me!?" She screeched.
"Cake face." I answer sweetly. Her face became red with anger as she approached me and raised her fist to hit me. I would have blocked the punch, but Sasuke beat me to it. Sakura's eyes widened as she saw the death glare 'her Sasuke-kun' was giving her. She looked like she was about to pee herself. I stifle a chuckle as I watched the scene. Before anything could escalate further Kakashi-sensei finally arrived. Already anticipating the two moron's reactions I covered my ears and mentally told Nii-can to do so as well.
"YOU'RE LATE!!!" They both shouted together. Fortunately for us it seemed much quieter.
We both uncovered our ears and sweat dropped at our sensei's excuse, "Sorry I saw a black cat in my path and had to take the long way round."
"LIAR!!!" The two shouted. Again we managed to cover our ears. I think our teammates will cause us to go deaf.
Completely ignoring them Kakashi heads to one of the three nearby and set a timer down on top of it. After that he took out three bells. "You have until noon to get these bells from me. Use may use any weapon."
"But sensei, you could get hurt!" Sakura stated alarmed. 'Psh, Sakura this guy is a Jounin. We are merely Genin fresh out of the Academy we aren't much of a threat. Besides the whole hurting people comes with the job of being a ninja. Who's bright idea was it again to let her pass the graduation exams? On our first real mission she's most likely going to die. But on the bright side it would be one less fangirl for me and Nii-chan to have to deal with.' I thought
Sasuke seemed to sense my now kinda creepy aura and gave me a funny look. I shrug. I zoned out a bit already bored of the Pink Banshee's 'concerns' . I snapped out of it when Naruto charged at Kakashi, and the next thing we knew he had a kunai to the back of his head.
"I didn't even say start yet, but you did come at me with the intent to kill. So what can I say, I'm actually starting to like you guys." We all got ready, "Start." We all jumped into the trees. Nii-san and I are on opposite sides of the training field.
"You and me one on one fair and square!" I hear Naruto shout drawing all of our attention to our team mate who still remained in the clearing.
"Idiot!" Sasuke-nii and I thought together. Kakashi reached for his weapons pouch and Naruto got into a defensive stance. We all watched to see what the Jounin was going to do. None of us expected him to pull out an orange book.
Naruto anime fell, "What!? Why are you reading Kakashi-sensei!?" Naruto questioned. I don't think this boy knows the definition of quiet, or talking for that matter. All he can do is yell and shout.
"Hey Nii-san I have an idea."
"Hn, what is it?" He asked. I sweat dropped at the 'hn.'
"If you fight him head on I can get behind him and take the bells. If that won't work I could pin him from behind and you could grab the bells. How does that sound?"
"It sounds good, Imouto." Sasuke sends me a smile through the link. I know what you're thinking. *gasp* Sasuke actually agreed to work with someone. Well I am the only one he is willing to work with. He says that I am the only one who wouldn't get in his way. Aww, my brother's such a sweetheart. (Sarcasm)


I heard Sakura scream and knew she was taken care of so Sensei would be coming after Sasuke or I now. I closed my eyes and sensed where Kakashi was careful to make sure it was him and not a clone. When I found him I signaled Sasuke-nii and we were off. We found him in about five minutes careful to hide our chakra. I can hide my chakra almost perfectly, but not so much Sasuke. It was never really his strong suit. Although, even if you were to hide your chakra I would still be able to sense it. I have always had that strange gift. I am totally awesome.
Kakashi, noticing Sasuke's presence got ready to attack. Sasuke shot out of the trees and engaged the ninja in a taijutsu battle. Keeping Kakashi's focus on him he didn't sense or see my approach. With my chakra still perfectly masked I made a grab for the bells. It seemed like the Jounin was going easy on Sasuke since he hadn't gone in to strike yet. Quickly grabbing two bells I got out of their. Sasuke saw my retreat and smirked. When I was safe under the cover of the trees I let out a sigh of relief. The plan had worked. I winced and coughed a bit when I felt a hit to the stomach. It seemed like Kakashi had gone on the offensive a bit now. I made my way to the three stumps again to see Naruto tied up. When he saw me he started flailing around a little saying something about untying him. Ignoring him I laid down and closed my eyes. A few minutes later Sasuke sat down to join me right as the timer went off. Readjusting my position I put my head in my twin's lap. He subconsciously played with my hair. We did this from time to time just relaxing. I mean there isn't anything bad about it. I felt intense glares coming my way from a certain pink haired 'kunoichi' if you want to call her that."
"Well since none of you got the bells-" I cut him off by holding up the two bells I had taken. I opened one eye to see him staring at the bells wide eyed as well as the rest of the team. Well except Sasuke obviously.
"W-What!? How?" Kakashi asked as he looked at his belt and only say one bell instead of two.
"Nii-san and I came up with a plan. Since I am able to completely hide my Chakra, Sasuke-nii was to keep you distracted while I took the bells. Since you were distracted by Sasuke and you couldn't sense me I was able to get away with the bells without you even noticing." I explained.
Kakashi looked at the two of us with wide eyes. "Okay so who can tell me what the point of this exercise was?"
We all sat there thinking, but couldn't come up with anything. Well I was still laying down, but I was still thinking. Well I'm going to shut up now.
"Really? Nothing? Come on it's obvious. A four man or in your case a five man squad. Why were you put on teams?"
"...." Was our reply.
He seemed to grow a bit frustrated, "TEAMWORK!" It then clicked for all of us.
"But Sensei, Sasuke and I used teamwork." I pointed out.
"He nodded his head, "But the point of the test was to see if all of you guys could work together as a team." He continues to explain.
With a sigh, "I will give you guys one more chance if you mess it up you won't go back to the academy, I will be dropping you from the program." We all had looks of horror on our faces (Sasuke just looked annoyed on the outside), "Now eat lunch, but don't feed any to Naruto. I will be right back." With that he shunshined away. I could still sense his chakra nearby. So this was a test. I got up to give Naruto some food as his stomach groaned.
"What are you doing!? You're going to get my Sasuke-kun in trouble!" Sakura Shrieked. Completely ignoring her I kept shoving food into Naruto's mouth. Sasuke seemed to get what I was doing and a moment later joined me.
"Bhy hre chu doching dis?" (Why are you doing this?)
"We aren't going to let our team mate starve. We need you at full strength for the next test." Sasuke answered."
Sakura looked down at her food then sighed holding it up to Naruto, "I'm on a diet." Was her only explanation. She got up to feed him as well, even if she didn't look to happy about the idea of feeding the knucklehead.
Naruto didn't even get the chance to swallow Sakura's food when clouds rolled in and the ground began to shake, "YOU!" Kakashi appeared our of no where. We all got into defensive positions around Naruto.
"We are a team we aren't about to let one of our own starve!" I shouted.
"Hn, what she said." Sasuke agreed with a nod of his head.
"Yeah we are one!" Sakura shouted.
"YOU ARE ONE HUH?" Kakashi continued. "WELL YOU...."
We all became nervous thinking what our punishment might be. "...pass." He finished and the sky cleared and the ground stopped shaking as he gave us a closed eye smile.
"WHAT!?" We all shouted.
"You. Pass." He repeated again slowly as if he were talking to a three year old. "You are the first Genin team who has ever passed my test before. They were all to eager to follow my instructions. Those who break the rules are scum, but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum." Kakashi finished.
"Team 7 meets tomorrow at 7 a.m. tomorrow for it's first mission." The he poofs away. After that we all began walking away.
"HEY YOU'RE FORGETTING ABOUT ME!" I heard Naruto shout. I was just about to turn around and head back, but Sasuke simply threw a kunai at him which cut the rope. He fell onto his butt, when the ropes severed and freed him.
"Ow!" Naruto looked up to see we were still walking away, "HEY WAIT UP YOU GUYS!" He shouted as he ran towards us.
And this marked the beginning of Team 7

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