Chapter 2

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-Yuni's P.O.V.-
"Nii-san, time to wake up," I say as I shake Sasuke for what seems like the millionth time. I sigh, but then an idea comes to mind. I say loudly, "Oh no! We're out of tomatoes!"
Sasuke shoots up from bed, "What!?" He continues to freak out for a minute, because he is still half asleep. When he realizes that I had pranked him he got mad. "Yuni," A smirk grew on his face and I gulped taking a step backwards. He got out of bed and I made a mad dash for the door. Sasuke spent the next 10-20 minutes chasing me through the house until he finally gave up and began eating breakfast. I came out of my hiding spot, which was on the ceiling of the shower in our room. When I came downstairs I saw my plate was empty. With out saying anything I make my way over to the bentos and eat Sasuke's lunch as my breakfast. The jerk can find his own lunch. Once I finished eating I grabbed my lunch and school supplies and waited for my brother at the door. When he came outside he locked the door and we began our walk to the training grounds. We decided to wake up early this morning so that we could do some training.
As soon as we reached the training grounds we turned to each other and charged. Activating our Sharingan we read each other's moves. We both activated our Sharingan during the Uchiha massacre. We continued fighting throwing punches and jutsu's at one another. The thing that made this the most difficult was that we could feel half of the other person's pain. After about a half an hour I finally had my brother pinned beneath me.
"Yeah! I win!" I shouted as I helped my brother to his feet.
"Yeah, but in the long run I am still winning." He smirked.
"But only by 1 point now!" I shout. With this fight Nii-san has won 64 of our spars, I have won 63 and we have tied 47 times. We sat down under a tree and caught our breath before we begin our walk over to the Academy.
When we entered the classroom we were the first ones inside. Nii-san and I sat at our usual spots and simply waited. After a while fangirls began to crowd our desks as usual. Unfortunately, they seemed more worked up today. I guess they realized that today is the last day they might see their precious Sasuke-kun for a while.
"Hey, Yuni-baka! Move, I want to sit next to MY Sasuke-kun!" Sakura sneered as she tried to force me out of my seat. Ino at the same time was trying to force herself into my seat as well. I sensed anger and annoyance coming from my twin. Then I felt him snap. He stood up grabbed my arm and we walked to a different seat, which happened to be next to Naruto. 'Huh, I guess he passed.' I had heard him arguing with someone, but I was to busy dealing with fangirls to pay attention. As we sat down Sasuke sent the infamous Uchiha glare to the fangirls causing them to shiver.
"WHY IS IT ALWAYS YUNI!?" Ino and Sakura shrieked.
I gave them my Uchiha glare and I saw them gulp, "It's because I'm not annoying like you people."
"What!?" All the fangirls yelled. I began to rub my temples from the headache they were causing me.
"Don't worry, Iruka-sensei is coming down the hall now." I tell Sasuke
"Good, they are annoying." He replies as he begins rubbing his temples when he feels my headache.
"Can't be helped."
Just then Iruka-sensei walks into the classroom. "Okay class, quiet down." Everyone went to their seats. Sakura ended up sitting next to me, because she wanted to be as close to Sasuke as she could. "Congradulations on graduation, now...blah blah blah..." Yeah I zoned out. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my leg. I suppressed a yelp. Sasuke looked over at me worried, because he felt it too. Well only half, but whatever.
"It's nothing, Sakura just kicked me." I say. Sasuke's Sharingan flashed, but as soon as it came it went. I knew he was probably pretty mad at Sakura for hurting me, but what can you do.
"Team 7, Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno," Naruto cheered, and Sakura slammed her head to the table. "Sasuke Uchiha," They switched places. Sasuke wasn't to happy about being on the same team as a fangirl. "and Yuni Uchiha."
"WHAT!?" All the fangirls yelled."
I smirked, but quickly out on an innocent face, "Yeah, didn't you know?"
"Know what?" Ino asked.
"Sasuke is my twin brother." I say with a smile.
"Iruka-sensei!? Why does SHE have to be on our team!?" Sakura whines.
"Orders from the Hokage. I don't know why, but Sasuke and Yuni have to be together." Iruka answers.
Sakura grumbles a few complaints, but backs off. Iruka finishes assigning squads and we break for lunch. Sasuke and I go to an old unused room on the other side of the academy and sit down to eat. As Sasuke pulls out his bento I am suppressing laughter.
"What's so funny?" He obviously sensed my emotions.
"You'll see." I smirk. His eyes narrow and he opens his bento.
"Why is it empty?" He asks looking at me.
I burst out laughing, "No....hahaha.....lunch for you...haha breakfast..haha thief..HAHAHA!!!" At this point I am rolling around on the floor.
"Well if think this is so funny..." I stop laughing when I see his smirk. He pulls out a black marker and says, "I guess I should get some revenge as well." I got up and jumped out the window. I jumped up into a tree and was confused that Nii-san wasn't right behind me. About a minute later Sasuke jumped out of the window and started running off somewhere. For some reason my arms and legs felt a bit stiff. Oh well.
"Hey Nii-san where are you going?" I asked
"What are you talking about?"
"Well you just jumped out of the room and are running off somewhere."
"What does Naruto have to do with this?" I asked. I could tell that Sasuke-nii was very angry.
"The dobe snuck up on me and then performed a transformation jutsu."
"So that was Naruto?"
"YES! Now could you come back inside and give me a hand."
"Sure Nii-san."
I quickly jump back through the window and see Sasuke tied up on the floor. Sasuke-nii growls when he senses that I find his predicament funny.
"So, if I untie you can we call it even?"
He sighs, "What ever." I smile and untie him. "Let's go find Naruto. I need to get back at him."
I smirk, "Let's go." We exit the classroom and as we are walking down the hallway I see another Sasuke run into the bathroom.
We look at each other and nod, "Naruto." We say together. A few minutes later he exits the bathroom only to freeze when he sees us glaring at him.
"O-oh h-hey Sasuke, Y-Yuni." The blonde says as he rubs the back of his head.
"Hey Naruto," I start.
"You do know what happens," Sasuke continues.
"When you mess with one of us right." We finish together as we intensify our glares to the point that could make a Kage run away.
Out of fear Naruto made some quick hand signs, "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" He shouts as about ten more Narutos appeared. Sasuke and I got into fighting stances, but before anything happened, there was the strange gurgling noise that came from the Narutos and they began running towards the bathroom again. I sweat dropped, while Sasuke-nii just shook his head. After that we just went back to the classroom where a blushing Sakura was.
"S-Sasuke-kun, if you're ready now..."
"What are you talking about?" Sasuke asked not letting his emotions show on his face, but I could tell he was confused. Well I was too.
"You know for t-the k-k-k-k..*squeal*" She couldn't finish her sentence and just stood their with her face as pink as her hair squealing. A moment later we realized what she had been trying to say, and a millisecond after that we realized why. Sasuke was unable to hide all his anger and an Irk mark appeared on his forehead. I on the other had am on the floor laughing. I mean Naruto disguised himself as Sasuke just so he could kiss this ugly pink banshee.
"What's so funny Yuni, you jealous that MY Sasuke-kun likes me more than you?" She smirks.
I simply laugh more as I struggle to get words out, "T-that hahaha wasn't *gasp* Sasuke. Naruto hahaha used a *gasp* hahaha Transformation Jutsu HAHAHA!!!!" I continue to laugh as Sakura's face contorts with anger and reddens from embarrassment. As soon as I finish telling her what happened Naruto walks into the room only to be beaten up by Sakura.

Three hours! Three hours! That is how long we have been here waiting for our sensei. I'm sitting sideways on the bench as I lean on Sasuke's shoulder while holding his hand. Sakura was sending we weak glares. Well they seem weak to me seeing as how I have faced Sasuke's glare. I sense Naruto by the door and turn my head to see what he was doing. He was putting and eraser between the door and its frame.
"Dobe, that's not going to work." Sasuke tells him with no expression. I could tell that he believed his words though. I honestly don't care if it works or not so I just stayed quiet and closed my eyes ignoring Sakura's comments.
A few minutes later I sensed a chakra signature approaching the classroom. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, "Sensei's here." I mumble and Nii-san just nods. A moment later the door opened and the eraser fell onto a head of grey gravity defying hair. Naruto falls to the floor laughing, and Sakura is being a suck up and apologizing repeatedly. I could sense confusion, doubt, and surprise coming from my brother. He was probably wondering if this guy really was a Jounin.
"Let's see, my first impression of you guys're idiots. Meet me on the roof." With that I stood up and stretched. I took Sasuke-nii's hand and we began walking to the roof. When we got their we took seats next to each other.
Once we were all seated our new sensei spoke up, "Why don't you introduce yourselves."
"Um...could you explain?" Naruto asked.
"You know, your name, likes, dislikes, hobbies, and dream."
"How about you go first sensei." Sakura asks like an idiot. I mean she's supposed to be smart, right?
"Well, okay. My name is Kakashi Hatake. My likes I don't feel like telling you them. My dislike, I don't feel like telling you them either. My hobbies, well I have lots of hobbies, and my dream for the future, I haven't really thought about it."
"All you said was your name!" Sakura and Naruto yelled.
Kakashi ignored them, "Alright you first blondie."
"My name is Naruto Uzumaki, My likes are Ramen, my dislikes are the 3 minutes you have to wait for the Ramen to cook, my hobby includes trying and comparing different types of Ramen, and my dream for the future is to become Hokage. That way everyone will finally respect me! Believe it!" Naruto shouted.
"Okay, pinky."
Sakura glares at him when he called he pinky. "My name is Sakura Haruno. My likes....*looks at Sasuke and blushes* I mean the person I like is....*looks at Sasuke and blushes and giggles* My hobbies include...*looks at Sasuke and giggles some more while blushing.* and my dream for the future is...*looks at Sasuke covers face with hands and squeals*
"What are your dislikes?" Kakashi-sensei asks.
"Naruto-baka and Yuni-baka!" Sakura yells. Sasuke shoots her a glare for calling me a baka, but it bounces off he fangirl shell just like all his rejections do.
"Okay, emo."
Sasuke and I both glare at him. No one is aloud to call my brother names except me. "Hn, my name is Sasuke Uchiha, I really don't like anything except my twin Yuni. I hate a lot of things, and my dream for the future, no my ambition, I'm gonna restore my clan and kill a certain someone."
"EMO!" I sweat drop
"I need to get you a dictionary."
"Yep, a dictionary."
"And finally-"
I cut him off before he can nickname me, "My name is Yuni Uchiha, I like my twin Sasuke, training, singing, drawing, pocky, and reading. I dislike fangirls, fanboys, and those who try to hurt my nii-san. My hobbies include singing, drawing, reading and training. My dream for the future, well truthfully, I'm not really sure."
"So, you're all different. Meet me at training ground 7 at 7:00 am for our first mission."
"What kind of missions is it, Kakashi-sensei?" Sakura asked.
"A survival exercise."
"But we already did that stuff in the Academy." Sakura said TRYING to seem smart.
"Yes, but this is different, it is a test to see whether or not you can become Genin." He gave us what I think is a closed eye smile.
"But, we already are Genin." Naruto said.
"That was just a test to see if you can become Genin." He started to chuckle a bit.
"What's so funny?" Sakura snapped.
"Well, I could tell you, but you won't like the answer."
"What?" Naruto asked starting to get annoyed.
"Out of the 27 students that passed only 9 will become Genin meaning you only have a 33% chance of passing." We were all silent. "Now meet me tomorrow morning and a piece of advise, don't eat breakfast, or you'll puke." With that he poofed away. Well I for one am eating breakfast. What could he possibly do that could make me puke. I have already seen my entire clan slaughtered. No matter the what he tries to pull it can't be worse than that. I started to feel depressed thinking about the clan. Sasuke noticed and pulled me into a side hug. As I calm down, Sakura just stared at me with jealousy.
"Thanks Nii-san." I say
He turns, hiding his face from the rest of the teams view and gives me a small comforting smile, "Let's head home Imouto."

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