Chapter 2: Are you even listening?

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I sank my head into my hands, and sobbed loudly. I looked up at as I felt a small hand tap my knee. It was a little girl, probably 4 years old - she held a worn out teddy bear and stared into my eyes - her brown eyes sad.
"What's wrong, sweetie?" I said wiping my eyes with my Pajama sleeve. She took her small hand in mine, and stared down at the ring my Mum gave me.
"Mwy Mwummy jwsut dwied of cwancer" she sniffled and tightened her grip letting her small tears run down her cheek.
"I'm sorry hun.." I said pulling her into a tight hug, as we both cried silently. The door slowly creaked open, but me and the little girl never pulled apart.
"Miss Miley Pierce, there is a Cab waiting to take you home. We'll pick you up tomorrow morning to speak to you, it's getting late" The woman said, I remembered who she was. She was the lady with the high pony-tail. She pulled a faint smile and held my shoulder gently patting the other with her left hand as I parted from the little girl, smiling and kissing her cheek.
She held me to the car park and I clutched tighter to Frankie's hoodie. The cab waited at the entrance to the Hospital and the receptionist held the door open. I smiled at her and she gave the cab driver money.
"Thank you" I said as I shut the door, shutting the cold air out of the car.
"No problem, my name's Kylie" she smiled and took small steps back as the Cab Driver started the engine.
"I'll remember that name" I shouted over the engine and waved.
"Bye Kylie..." I sighed, looking down and playing with my fingers. No-one other than my Mum has ever been that nice to me before. Not even Frankie. Speaking of Frankie...I reached into my Pajama pocket and reached for Frankie's house keys. I took out my iPhone and tried texting him, but my fake cat nails got in the way, so I stopped the Cab Driver.
"Excuse me, er cab driver? Can you drive to this address instead please?" I said as I gave him the address. He nodded and drove me there.
I climbed out of the truck, thanking him for taking me here. He smiled and sped off down the road, I looked up at Frankie's house, and the lights were on so I guess it was safe for me to go inside.
I made my way through the path, as the grass hit the back of my legs and covered my vans in more mud.
I reached to the Porch and silently slid the key into the key-hole, pushing the door open as I closed it behind me. I put the key into the cabinet, shutting it and started to look around for Frankie.
I began to walk upstairs, kicking my now brown vans onto the white carpet leaving a brown mark. I pushed the bathroom door open and got out my clean clothes I normally leave in here. I Got dressed in my black leather-skater skirt and white crop top, brushing my hair and putting on make-up.
I stuffed my Pj's into the cuboard and walked over to Frankie's room, knocking on the hollow door which made a loud echo. I heard shuffling going around and I pushed the door open to see some sort of 'party' going on, with many girls in bikini's and bathing suits. I let my eyes scan the room for Frankie and saw him cuddling with a girl who was way prettier than me. I bit my lip as I backed away shaking my head, holding back my forced tears. He let go of the girl and came out for me, shutting the door behind him as the music still played.
"Frankie, it's over. I'm sick of being hurt by you, and being a toy to you" I said staring down at my feet as my tears spilled, trickling down my nose as I allowed myself to look at him. He cupped his hand around my chin, leaning into me I shut my eyes, our lips just inches apart. I shot my eyes open and pushed him away against the door.
"I said it's over, I meant that" I quickly ran down the creaky stairs wiping my black tears, I slid my vans on slamming the door shut behind me.
"JUSTIN. Are you listening to what I'm saying!?" I said sitting on his lap eating popcorn as he nodded.
"Yeah, course I am. What happens next? Where did you go?" Justin said stuffing popcorn in his mouth.
"Okay, so..." I trailed off.
I went to my Sister named Ariana's house, she was happily married with 2 kids. She made me feel so welcome. I sat on the couch eating chocolate. She knelt in front of me wiping my make-up away as I told her what just happened. Her child named Megan who was about 2 years old walked in and asked her mum to play with her. She finished wiping off my make-up anyways, so I said she should go. I thought about the girl at the Hospital, how similar she looked to Megan, her cute pig-tails, and button nose and that worn out bear. I looked across the room at the box of toys and slowly opened it up as it was just by my feet, I could see the bear hidden at the bottom of the box. The same chocolate brown colour, the same black button stitched on as an eye. I blinked as the bear dissapeared. I gasped as it re-appeared. I gently picked it up staring at the same places the stuffing was. I held it close to my chest, smiling.
Ariana walked in with Megan holding her hand as they both came to sit with me.
"Miley, er why are you hugging yourself?" Ariana said raising her eyebrow, and sitting beside me patting my shoulder.
"I'm not, I was just holding this worn-out bear, I saw a girl who had exactly the same" I said holding the teddy in-front of her.
"MIley, what are you talking about? There's nothing there...are you alright? Maybe you should just get some rest maybe?" she said moving my hands onto my lap as the bear dissapeared into thin air.
I blinked as I felt my heart spear it's way out of my chest and land on the floor. I looked up at Ariana as I nodded my head. Ariana took me upstairs to the guest bedroom where she had placed my suitcases, I turned around to see Megan holding the worn-out teddy to me. I shook my head and within an instance Megan vanished along with her bear.
I really didn't know what was happening, I was starting to get worried at the fact that I was turning crazy. I was just seeing things, who was that girl anyways? Why did she come popping up? I lay on the bed, trying to answer the questions that spiralled in my brain...
I sat up from my bed, drawing open the curtains the sun was still hidden behind the clouds, and I had to go down to the Hospital today. It was just down the road, but I decided to rush to see what they would say about mum.
I let my hair fall gently below my hips as I quickly tied it up in a high ponytail, I applied my makeup before walking out the room and into my own, picking out my outfit carefully I removed my clothes tossing them onto the four poster bed, I set my clothes onto the bed as my phone vibrated in my bra. (Yeah, I keep it there all the time, don't remind me about breast cancer, I know, I know)
I ignored the call quickly getting changed so I could catch a cab. I slid on my air max 1's, neatly tying them up.
"I'll come down to the Hospital later, okay?" Ariana called, as I paced down the wooden stairs, leaping over the step reaching for the door. I gave her a wave before grabbing the apple that sat on the cabinet.
"That's my apple!" Ariana's husband called out, as I shut the door behind me deciding to just walk to the Hospital.
I looked down at the promise ring, watching as the sun hit off it, reflecting a beautiful glimmer, I felt a twinkle in my eyes as I forced myself not to cry- I'd been so brave, I hadn't cried much and I know that's not what mother would expect of me anyways... I pushed the Hospital doors open as I entered looking around for the stunning blonde receptionist, but her seat was replaced.
An ugly woman aged probably 48, sat at her desk, warts engulfing almost her whole face and her wrinkles noticeable. Piles of paperwork sprawled on the desk, as she secretly took a bite out of her sandwich. Gross, it was all up in her face. I had no choice but to approach her, because there was no other desk open.
"Hi, I'm here to see Dr Maynard" I said staring at the woman who was awfully lost in her food. I tapped on the desk slightly trying to get her attention, which I was obviously not getting. I rang the desk bell and her head instantly shot up.
"That's for staff only" she said blasting her venomous spit after each word.
"Sorry. Um, where do I go from here?" I asked, watching the movement of her arm as she pointed to the Waiting Room, shaking her head.
Why wasn't Kylie there right now, sitting at that desk? I leaned against the wall, which was beside the door and took a deep breathe before pulling the most fake smile ever. I smiled, walking into the office shaking the hand of the Dr, before seating myself down.
We had an on-going chat, and the decision was made for me to see a therapist to help me through the loss of my mother. I smiled, getting up to what seemed like hours (okay, no maybe just 47 mins) and left for the door.
As I leaned in for it, a young girl stood there blocking it, her hair was no longer in pig-tails, she now held her bear upright, and her eyes locked with mine. I froze on the spot, my palms began to get sweaty, and I began to rock back and fourth slowly.
"WHO ARE YOU? AND WHY DO YOU ALWAYS APPEAR EVERYWHERE I GO?" I sobbed, closing my eyes as the Dr came to stand beside me.
"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE, EVERYONE THINKS IM CRAZY BECAUSE YOU ALWAYS APPEAR AND IM THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN SEE YOU" my cries turned into wails, as the doctor brought me into a warm hug, I cried into his white doctor coat as my mascara stained his clothing.
I got up from Justin's lap, and seated myself onto the couch, I rested my head on his shoulder and curled my feet up.
"Wow, that must have been really tough" Justin said moving his thumb gently upon my shoulder in circular motions, which relaxed me so much.
"It definitely was, not having any parents... and the next day was my birthday.." I muttered
He kissed my forehead, and we began to watch T.V, he always puts this movie on, we were watching Endless Love because I'd always cry at Justin enjoyed seeing my cry but for some reason I wasn't up for watching it tonight, I just refreshed my brain with the past by telling Justin and it was just nice telling him everything, but at the same time was so difficult to tell someone the story again.
I looked up at him, his new haircut I forced him to get, made him look so gorgeous - his jawline was so strong and pronounced, I couldn't help but stare.
I felt myself blush as Justin looked up from the TV and began staring down at my eyes, his breath began to lightly fan my nose as I watched him become closer, my hand rested upon his neck as he leaned in to kiss me. I depended the kiss, as his hand trailed up my shirt.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2014 ⏰

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