Beautiful Nightmare..

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"Miley Pierce, aged 17 years old, tall and skinny with blonde hair. Reported to the Police Station at 10:58PM of an incident involving her mother and her mother's boyfriend" The police said aloud as she wrote it down on her investigation sheets.

"And what was the incident?" Another officer said, looking down at the shaky, trembling girl looking down at the ground, which was me.

"10:45PM, the mother of Miley had a small argument with her lover Tony. They fought over someone eating the last cookie...Mr Tony Sampson became very agitated with Ms Pierce's behaviour and knifed her violently in the back" The police-woman said making contact with the other officer, but he was too concentrated on me.

The officer nodded his head making contact with me, I felt pain trickle down my back as if it was me being stabbed, I sobbed as I looked up at Tony giving me sad eyes, trying to be as innocent as possible! How could he even do this? Even lay his hands on my mother?

They led me out of the room quickly, where I was met my boyfriend Frankie. I rolled my eyes at the sight of him, but shocked he actually came? He grabbed my waist pulling me closer to him, tugging strands of hair behind my ear and starred into my blue eyes, which were dark full of hatred.

I looked up at him, I was so close his minty breath fanned my nose gently, I couldn't resist...he leaned in, pulling on my bottom lip.

"I'm sorry baby, but I promise I'll make everything okay.." he said before planting his perfect soft lips upon mine.

It was so perfect, although we were in the Police Station and he uses me. I pulled away as the Police-woman gently tapped my shoulder, I caught Frankie wink at her as he starred somewhere other than her face. I scowled and nudged him, trampling on his foot as the Officer led me into the room shutting the door on Frankie. Thank God!

"Hello, Miss Pierce. Good and bad news for you, dear" the officer said glued to his paper as he spoke.

I nodded my head, biting my lip as I tried to get the slightest glimpse of what he was looking at.

"Well, good news is - Mr Sampson is imprisoned for 5 years!" I nodded my head slowly, wanting to hear the bad news, that was just my biggest fear right now, and it was literally eating me alive.

"The bad news, your mother is being treatd in hospital, they don't know if she'll survive." he paused as my blue eyes turnt soft, and my eye-liner began to get washed away by my tears which were struggling to stream down my face. But once it did, I wiped it away as the officer handed me a tissue.

"As there may not be anyone to care for you, you have to go into care for a little, Miss Pierce I am terribly sorry. But once you're 18 you can move out" he finished off.

I shook my head, as I sobbed harder. My life had now been put on pause. I had no say, probably soon no family, no money, and expected to go and live with some freaks I wouldn't even know. What the heck? All because of stupid Tony, can't maintain his anger and had to go on and hurt my mother.

I grabbed my coat from behind the chair and pulled the door open slamming it shut behind me, as everyone in the lounge area looked at me. Frankie came walking over holding a hand out to me, but I ignored it and went over to Tony who was hand-cuffed and standing at the front desk.

I threw my coat on one of the seats and walked up to him, pointing a finger at him as he backed away. My hair was all over the place, and I was literally in my PJ'S, people must of thought I was probably mad.

I pushed him up to the wall, and screamed banging on his chest as he smirked at me. Three officers came and took me away from him, but I was still screaming and yelling for my Mum back.

Beautiful Nightmare..Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon