one|a getaway

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Her bare feet pattered down the wooden stairs of her home swiftly. In fact, too swiftly that she made enough air pressure to make the paintings on the wall swing and threaten to fall. Before that happens, though, she caught it and put it back on place.

While he was busy fixing his coat, she spotted the reflection of the light from the keys on the table and quickly took it. Her father turned around and she fixed up her posture before he can catch a glimpse of her act.

"Your Mum and I will return tomorrow morning, okay dear?" Her father reassured to her.

Instead of feeling lonely, like usual, Quinn only hid a smirk and crossed her forarms behins her back, hiding the keys. She wrapped her fingers around the keys to stop them from clanking so it wouldn't be evident that she hid them.

"Rich, have you seen my keys? I could've sworn I placed them on the table." Quinn's mum strutted in from the bathroom looking fresh faced, but the wrinkled brows really ruined it.

Oh, it was, alright. And guess where it is now?

"No, I haven't. Are you sure? The last time you swore something is somewhere you put it, it ended up being in the trash..." Rich replied. That event was evidently her mother's fault, not her hiding whatever it is. She somehow felt guilty that her dad was blaming it for her mistaken memory loss. Although, right now, she didn't care. She will be visiting her getaway again: The woods.

Her mother felt dissapointed. She opened her mouth to ask Quinn about the keys' whereabouts but Rich rebutted, "Its okay, Dane, I've got mine."

"Alright then. Quinn, honey, we'll be back before afternoon--sharp--for you to have some company." Dane neared her and pulled her by the shoulders causing her to freeze of nervousness her mother'd find her with the thing she's been looking for. Thankfully, it was only because she was pulling her in for a kiss on the temple and quickly fled without another word. The door being shut echoed throughout the house, with Quinn's sigh following.

She waited for a few minutes before going out just to make sure her parents were gone. After confirming that they indeed have been atleast a kilometer away, she took her phone, tied her laces, and stuffed the keys in her pocket.

Quinn thought it would be cold so she brought her denim jacket, and with that she stepped out and locked the door.

Alas, she was in front of the place, she saw something out of the ordinary.

It seemed strange, something was somewhat You might think she's over exagerrating but do not underestimate a spark, it spreads faster than a million miles per hour. Okay, that might be the exaggerated part but you get the point. When you think it couldn't be worse, it actually could. It was definitely an arson, she thought, because it couldn't be because of the sun; its evening, and we barely have sunlight in Britain. But who would cause this? Could it be a chav, or possibly a viking? That's ridiculous.

She looked around making sure nobody was in sight of her tresspassing. She barely even made a step on the sidewalk that dispatched the entry of the woods when a voice cracked from behind;

"Oi! What are you doing, young lady?" The elder lady called out. She was ashamed of herself like she was caught doing crime--which ironically tresspassing is one. Should she just pretend she couldn't speak English?

Quinn turned around slowly, but then relaxing to show that she wasn't guilty. And said, "I was observing. I saw fire igniting right there. It could spread."

"Do not invade the privacy of the owner. For all we know he might be grilling barbeques with his family in there. Or his son maybe taking a breather." She explains.

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