How could I do this? (Macklemore fanfiction)

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Ryan and Savanna left the room and we hugged for a good 5 minutes.

I pulled away.

"Ben... I-"

Ben cut me off "I know. You are mad at me and you never want to see me again. Well before you say anything, Tricia left me. Not because of the kiss, not because of you at all. She admitted to cheating on me... I told Ryan that she got sick of me. I lied. She said she was seeing someone else and that the wedding is off. I'm not the least bit concerned about that. All I want is you. All I NEED is you... so please forgive me and stay here with me... I know I've made a huge mistake but I love you."

"Ben... I love you too." I said with a smile and jumped into his arms. He sat me down on the bed and just lied there hugging. It seemed like the whole world had stopped. I couldn't explain this feeling to you if I had to. Its just... love!

We got up as Ryan and Savanna came into the room wondering if everything was okay. We informed them that everything was perfectly fine and that we are boyfriend and girlfriend now, and that Tricia is gone forever.

I had just remember Ben cancelled all his concerts. "Ben, why did you cancel all of your concerts?"

"Oh... you know why... I don't feel like bringing it up again..."

Well when is your next concert?!"

"Not until next month."

"No. You have a concert to go to tonight."

"I've canceled it."

"Well I'm telling you to uncancel it."

"And how am I supposed to do that?"

"Make a YouTube video. Put it on your website. Cmon there's lots of things you could do."

"I guess I could do that..."

"There ya go! Cmon Ben its your home town, you need to be more excited!"

"Well what can we do to get the party started up in here?!"

"All you have to do is... DANCE!"

"Hahahaha very funny!"

"I know. I'm amazing you don't have yo tell me."

"You are amazing. I love you."

"I love you too Ben."

******AWWW! So cuuuttee :3 anyways sorry for the short chapters guys. I'm running out of ideas...***********

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