Really *igga

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I woke up tired as fucccccc. Any way I took a shower and washed my hair. I got dressed in mm. And gave Taylor and Mayleena a bath and got them dressed. I gave them breakfast and we went to the park.
Mayleena: higher higher!!!
YN: *laughs* okay *pushing them both
Taylor: *giggling* yay
YN: okay you guys hungry
Both: no
YN: okay let's go on the trail.
We went on the trail we was walking and saw the most gorgeous Flowers. I put one in both the girls hair. Here we go I thought. We was walking and August and his hoe where there. I scoffed as I walked by them.
Miracle: wtf this bitch doin here?
YN: who Tf you calling a bitch
August: aye aye chill Dayum
YN: what ever. I said walking away
August: aye ma can we talk.
YN: there ain't nun to talk about if you wanna talk go talk to the bitch that you cheated on me with that plastic surgery ahh bish
August: I know but I'm so sorry
YN: yea what eva
Miracle: Yeah! You betta go wit yo hoe ass
YN: August watch the kids and pray for her ass. I said pushing the kids towards him.
I could tell my eyes turned red taking the look she had on her face.
YN: call me bitch one more time and the last thing you will hear is that word.
Miracle: bict(GCO)
I started going ham on her ass. Mollywhopping her ass throwing and punching. I was about to kick her when I was thrown roughly on the ground. I heard a loud crack and felt a punch on the face.
August: *punching yn* don't you ever come for my girl friend ever again bitch *helps Miracle up and walks off*
Girls: *crying*
YN: girls st..stop crying grab mommy phone and press the button on the bottom
The girls did as I said and called 911. I knew they were panicking but they stayed strong the last thing I saw was people surrounding me and after that I blacked out
<|Two days later|>

I woke up laying in what I guess is a hospital and I saw Chris,Trey,Beyonce,Rihanna, Tyler and..............August
I tapped my finger on the side to alert them that I was awake.
Beyonce ran out to get a doctor to remove the tube down my throat.
The doctor took the tube out of my throat.
Doc: okay so miss YN your daughters are with your aunt and there is good news and bad which one do you want first
YN: good
Doc: okay so you just broke your wrist not to bad the bad news is you were in an early pregnant stage and you had a mis carriage
YN: wha....what? * crying really hard*
Doctor: I'm sorry for your loss but you may leave tom afternoon.
YN: okay thanks
When the doctor left Chris asked me if I was okay , but he smelled like sex and cheap ass perfume. I pushed him away
YN: who you fucking? Chris
Chris: wtf you talking about YN
YN: you smell like sex and cheap ass perfume
Miracle: bitch my perfume ain't cheap
YN: oh so you gon cheat on me Chris wit her? Oh y'all fuckers
August: I knew you hoe ahh wa cheatn
Miracle&Chris: we so so sorry
YN: oh save ya damn breath fo some one who actually care get Tf out
Chris: babyyyy I'm sor( GCO)
YN: OUT! and while I'm at it Imma get full custody of Taylor


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