Chapter Ten

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Ugh, shit Too fucking bright.

I opened my eyes and instantly closed them, squinting thanks to the bright sun rays that came in through the open shutters. I tossed slightly, noticing the throbbing pain in my head. I sat up, holding the sheets tight around my chest. I scrubbed my eyes gently with the back of my hand, feeling a bit disoriented. Once again, I began to slowly open my eyes trying to adjust them to the harsh lighting in the room and ignore my increasing headache. With a blurry vision, I glanced around at the unfamiliar surroundings in the room.

Where the fuck am I?

I passed a hand trough my wild hair, feeling very confused as to where I was. Frankly, something in the room gave me the feeling that I sorta knew where I was, but at the same time, I was certain that I had never been here before. Up until now, I had avoided looking to my right, given that the light came from that side of the room. I grew quite uneasy after noticing my clothes from last night laying in the floor, besides the bed. After noticing I laid naked in a strange bed, my grip on the sheets that covered me tightened quite noticeably. A few glimpses of my night out with Dhalia came flashing back as I vaguely remembered the stage I was in, thanks to the huge amount of alcohol I consumed.

A shiver ran down my spine before I reluctantly turned to the other side of the bed. Taking a quick peak, my eyes widened at the sight of the man that laid in bed next to me. He was laying face down, his arms sprawled at each side of his head. His messy hair covered part of his face, which was turned away from me. His breathing was steady, making his back go up and down to the rhythm of it. The tattoos on his muscular back were visible due to the fact that I had dragged most of the sheets with me. He was so serene and peaceful, completely undisturbed by my presence. A thousand emotions went through my mind in less than a second after noticing I wasn't alone. My mouth fell open as I stared at him in shock, unable to move even a finger. At last, I snapped out of it and jumped out of the bed, but not without relentlessly cursing under my breath.

OH FUCK! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. So goddamn stupid! You have got to be shittin me. What was I even thinking?

I gathered my clothes from the floor and immediately put them on, trying not to fall over, but eventually failing. I landed on the floor with a loud thump, still half undressed. I held my breath as I listened very closely to see if he had woken up. My heart skipped a beat as I heard a slight shuffling and a groan coming from the bed. A few seconds later, a pair of blue eyes looked down at me with the glint of a smile in them.

"You alright?" he asked in a raspy, morning voice.

I nodded and quickly regretted it as it made my head hurt even more. I winced, causing Jared to stand up from the bed.

"I'm gonna go get you something for that hangover of yours. I'll be right back." he said, petting my head softly. "Oh, the bathroom's through that door. Feel free to use it." he added before walking out of the room.

I finished pulling my dress up and walked into the bathroom, leaving my shoes behind but taking my phone with me. I was surprised to see so many notifications on my phone, but I was in no mood to deal with that at the moment. Right now, I had better things to do, like getting out of here as soon as I could. And fixing my hair! God, I looked like shit. My eyes were all bloodshot and swollen, my eyeliner was smudged, and my hair was such a mess. I looked like a total wreck. I washed my face and tried to fix it as best as I could. Taming my hair was impossible so I pulled it up on a ponytail.

What have I done?

I barely remember what happened last night. I know I was at the club with Dhalia and we might have done too many shots. I remember getting up to go to the bathroom and bumping into Jared and Shannon, but after that, I don't remember much. I don't even remember coming out of the bathroom. I sighed, for the first time in my life, regretting being so reckless. I jump when I hear a knock on the door. I open the door to find Jared standing in front of me, holding some aspirins in his left hand and a glass of water in the other.


"Are you sure you feel okay? Honestly, I have no problem with driving you to your house." Or driving me insane, I thought. Jared kept asking me if I was feeling well enough to drive or if I would prefer he took me home. I know he was just preoccupied for me, but to be quite honest, all I wanted was to get away from him as fast as I could. I needed to clear my head and figure out what exactly happened last night, but with him around, it wasn't that easy.

"I'm fine, seriously. I've had worse headaches before. I promise you I won't slam into a tree or anything like that." I said, trying to reassure him.

"Fine," he finally agreed, opening the front door for me. "Just call me as soon as you get home. I need to know you arrived in one piece."

Before walking out, I made sure I had everything with me and that I didn't leave anything behind. Keys, phone, wallet, shoes. Everything check. Can't say the same about my dignity, but I don't think I could find that after the mess I made last night. I opened the car door and got in, turning the engine on without wasting any time. As I drove out of the house and into the freeway, one thought kept going through my mind over and over again.

I slept with Jared Leto.


Author's Note:

SURPRISE!!! I had a lot of fun writing this chapter. Come on, let me know what you thought about it.

I love you guys so much! Thanks for reading this story xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2017 ⏰

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