Chapter 4

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I hummed a little tune as we walked to class, not having a care in the world. I began to sing the song I was humming under my breath, "Yo ho ho it's a pirate’s life for me." Nothing like a little Blood on the Dance Floor to chipper your spirits.

"You have to meet Jenny," I said to Chase with a smile, "Wanna sit with us at lunch?"

He nodded, "Who's Jenny?"

 I laughed, "Jenny is my best girl friend, which I didn't have many of because most girls are, let's face it, bitches. She's different though, outgoing like me, even a little more so, and a little girlier. She can be a big flirt sometimes, but never really has feelings for boys, so watch out. You'll love her though."

Chad eyed me nervously, but I ignored it and we crossed the threshold that led us into the world of Mr. Jackson. Chad and I took our seats next to each other and Chase went up to talk to him about, well, everything. Because of the lack of a seating chart, he was allowed to sit next to us.

"All right, so how many of you finished your stories?" Jackson asked as he flipped a red dry-erase marker in his hand. I raised my hand along with one or two others, he sighed. "Okay, well then I'll give you today to work on it and it'll be due next class, which is Wednesday, correct?" He went to the back of the room where his desk was and we began to write.

Chad opened up his notebook and began writing, trying to furiously finish it during class; we both knew he wouldn't get it done at home. I sighed and began to doodle little monsters on my blank notebook page; my story met the five page requirement and was about a hitman who always missed his target, killing a bad person instead of a good person like he was supposed to. I had intended it to be humorous, but it ended up as a serious story ending in tragedy. It was my first time killing off the main character, and it was exciting, as if I were the killer myself.

I felt a slight breeze past me and looked over to see Jackson had come over to Chase and started talking to him about the course requirements and what he had missed. Fortunately for him, since school had started we had done next to nothing, in fact this story was the first major assignment we had had all semester. After about twenty minutes of speaking and a large stack of papers to catch him up, he returned to his desk and began to grade papers.

"Hey there friend," I smiled and switched to the desk in front of him, sitting backwards to face him.

He gave me a crooked smile, "Hello, I see your enthusiasm never falters."

I chuckled, "Well you’re new, something fun! Later on I'll be boring and whatnot so enjoy it while it lasts."

He laughed and rested his head on the desk, looking up at me like a puppy dog, a lot like Bandit when he wanted something that I was currently eating. It was the face that I have never been able to resist even if I wanted to.

"Molly? Are you okay?" Chase waved a hand in front of my face.

I blinked and shook my head, "Yeah I'm here. Sorry I just spaced out for a minute, were you saying something?"

"Not really, I was just sitting here," he said with another crooked smile.

Through conversation, I found out that he was from New York City, and he was freaking loaded. His parents used to both work on Wall Street, but they decided to move to Iowa  for a more peaceful and less stressful life, and since they both grew up in Des Moines, the choice of where to move was easy and they easily found high-paying jobs. I'll admit I was a bit nosy, but at least my curiosity was satisfied and I had given him a choice to answer or not.

Sadly the bell rang at 9:05 like usual, and I departed ways with both Chad and Chase to study hall alone, but it was nice to have down time; I could just sit there and listen to music, or if I had any homework, I could do that. The study hall teacher barely glanced my way as I signed in and went to my empty table. Since there was no homework, I put my iPod in and started to play my Tamagotchi game that had already been finished numerous times, but I still found entertaining enough.

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