The Runaways {Larry} - BOOK 2

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a/n: This is a sequel! I advise you read the first book Sex Tape With My Teacher? Before you read this to know why all the drama is gonna happen in this fanfic :) I hope you enjoy it, because I do have it all planned out and I know all of you wanted a sequel :)

Anyway I will get on with the fanfic xxx

Summary: four months down the line after Louis and Harry admitted to each other they had strong feelings, they've been going strong. Secret relationship or not everyone could blatantly see the two were love struck with someone else, but when Harry's best friend Liam Payne spots something happening the classroom, he has no choice but to tell someone about it.

What will happen to the two when the Head Teacher finds out of their dirty little secret? Will Louis get let off for having such a deeply serious relationship with a student? Will he get let off for being caught sitting on his desk with an 18 year old student between his legs?

Will Louis get fired and handed over to the Police? Or will he do what he thinks is best? Run!

Find out in The Runaways!

Hope you guys enjoy this fanfic just as much as the first :) rating has not been thought out yet but warnings will include; Swearing, possible chance of mild violence, scenes of a sexual nature and possibly mild drug usage! Thank you!

Cover was made by the lovely @SummerLovexox

She also made the one to the side :)

The Runaways {Larry Stylinson} - {BOOK 2}Where stories live. Discover now