'Princess' by Kate Tomas

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Once in a land not so very far away,

There was a prince who sought a princess

Who lived in a very high tower


He rode a white horse to go get her

A beautiful stallion, tall and regal

He kissed her so sweetly when he found her


And soon after

They married

And lived happily ever after



Fairy tales are full of shit

There are no happy endings


Only naive little girls

Who lose their youth

To horny older boys


Who call them princess

And promise them the world


Only awful parents

Who shouldn't have children

But they do


Only loneliness, broken hearts

Bad days and books that comfort


And the shittiness of a world

That doesn't accept any one

Who is different


Only lost souls who

Have no destination

Or purpose


Happy ever after (not)

- Kate Tomas (shattered_realities)

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