Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Gabriel’s mouth was on mine again and fireworks were going off in my brain. Hadn’t I been in the middle of something? Hadn’t I been laughing at a particularly funny joke?

Who cares? I thought as I brought my hands up to loop around his neck.

“So when am I going to get to hear you play?” Gabriel murmured against my lips.

“Play what?” I asked, keeping my eyes closed and moving in closer again.

He pulled back and looked down at me with a smug smile on his lips. “The guitar. Because you’re in a band, remember?”

I scowled up at him. “Of course I remember.” Just not right at this second. I glanced down at his lips again and had to force myself to stay where I was. He was like a drug and I wanted another fix.

I licked my lips, unable to tear my gaze away from his mouth. He groaned and my eyes shot up to his. “What?” I asked.

“We should really get out of my bedroom,” he said huskily. His eyes were locked on my lips which were now moist from my tongue.

“Oh.” I glanced around noticing that I had practically climbed on top of him without noticing and his arms were wrapped firmly around my waist. “Yeah, that’s probably a good idea.”

We separated and headed downstairs. We decided to watch a movie and as the opening credits for Fight Club rolled across the screen, I began to feel awkward. I was sitting stiffly with about an arm’s length of space between me and Gabriel. I watched the movie with my hands in my lap and for some reason, all the nerves I should’ve been feeling earlier when I launched myself at him were hitting me at this moment.

My heart was pounding and doubts were running through my mind about a mile a minute. Jeez, I had just told Gabriel my entire life story. What would he think of me now? I was just some weird girl who was once invisible and now had a crazy crush on the school’s bad boy who happened to be not so bad and an amazing kisser.

He had to be thinking that I was some kind of freak. I mean, what normal person dressed in cardigans and khakis on a regular basis? Really though I was seriously dis─

My thoughts were cut off by Gabriel’s loud sigh followed by the feeling of his arms wrapping around me, bring us closer together. “Just stop thinking, okay?” he said as he looped one arm around my back and used the other to tip my head sideways so that it was resting on his shoulder.

I stayed stiff for a second, my heart beating at a quick pace that was probably unhealthy before I relaxed into him, letting out an involuntary sigh as the tension released and my brain shut off.

After that, we watched the movie in a much more comfortable silence.

“Well don’t you two look cozy?”

Gabriel and I sprung apart and jumped up at the sound of his mother’s voice.


“Mrs. Halen!”

Her arms were crossed and she had a stern look on her face. Matthew darted into the living room before darting back out and there was a crash as something in the kitchen fell down but no one moved.

I avoided her gaze and played with the hem of my t-shirt. “Mrs. Halen,” I started.

“Mom,” Gabriel began at the same time. We glanced at each other and he half grimaced, half smiled at me. I felt my lips twitch as the humor in the situation washed over me. His eyes started to sparkle with laughter. We turned away from each other in an effort to keep from laughing.

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