Chapter 25

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Austral's POV

When you wake up, you want to fall instantly back to sleep.

I almost did, enjoying the warmth of the blankets wrapped around me, the softness of the mattress I was laying on, and the silence of the room-

OMG WHAT ABOUT MAYA?!?! I shot out of bed, breathing heavily and looked around, alert to see where I was at.

I was in my old room at Cross Pack. Everything was still in place as I have left it. I slowly sat up, resting my body weight on my elbows which made me hiss in pain. Everywhere was sore, if I put pressure on anywhere on my body, I would hurt.

What exactly happened? All I remember is that I let Sandy take control... Sandy? Are you there?

There was no response.

Sandy? Please, answer me!

Still no response.

I sighed out loud, laying down again and stared up at the ceiling in silence. My eyes were watering, feeling absolute no connection to Sandy. Did, I lose her? That question was swirling my mind to no ends. Did I really lose her? I didn't know why or how, but, my gut was telling me that I did. I sighed deeply, looking over to my bed side table to see a tray full of medication and half empty glasses of water. I furrowed my brows in confusion, was I hurt that badly? I looked over at my big mirror, my designer desk under neath it that seemed untouched, just as I have left it so many years ago.

I suddenly heard footsteps nearing the entrance to bedroom door, having me slightly gasp, a scent that I missed so much coming to my nose. The door opened to reveal Maria Alekso, my older sister. She was carrying in a tray, filled with different types of vitamins and liquids. She stopped, noticing that I was awake. Tears brimmed in her eyes, trying so hard not to cry. She hurried over to me, setting the tray down on the edge of bed before hugging me tightly

"Thank goodness you are finally awake." Maria told me, hiccuping from tears. I returned her hug

"I'm sorry for leaving."

"It's alright, you didn't have a choice." Maria pulled away, wiping her eyes from tears. She smiled at me, sniffling

"No, when I left you became corrupted in finding me and of only I had-"

"No, don't say that. You did nothing wrong. I should have stopped myself from going over board, but that is in the past now, we must look forward to the future." Maria told me, giving me a older sister speech which I have been missing so much

"I missed you."

"I missed you too."

(Time Skip)

Me and Maria began catching up on last events, I even found out that I have been unconscious for 2 in a half weeks, everyone thought I may never wake up. But I did which I was thankful for

"Okay, I guess I should go and tell the others that you are awake." Maria stated, getting up from her sitting position on my bed

"Wait, how is he?" I asked, not even having to say his name

"He is confused I guess, angry and confused, of course he has been worried about you... How about this, I will tell Aiden first and send him up here so you two can sort things out." Maria asked me and I nodded, knowing that I need to sort things out with him

"Love you sis." Maria kissed my head, about ready to leave the room

"Wait, don't tell him yet, I want to talk to Dad and Lee first before I see him." I changed my mind. She nodded, leaving the room giving me time to think. 2 in a half weeks, that's crazy, unbelievable even. But atleast I wasn't asleep for a whole year or decade, that would have been worse. All I could remember was Hema's Spirit speaking to me, giving me strength in defeating Maya. Then Sandy took control, there was electricity, but I can't remember anything else beyond that. The opening of the door caught my attention, snapping me out of my thoughts as Dad and Lee came into view, Dad wearing his traditional King clothing while Lea was all dirty, his hair wild sticking out in some places

"Austral!" Lee yelled gleefully, barreling towards my bed and jumping onto it, having me bounce a little bit. I laughed lightly at his excitement, the scent of the forest reaching my nose

"Sorry about Lee being dirty, he was outside playing and helping the others clean up the courtyard and didn't want to clean up before seeing you, no matter how many times I ordered him to." Dad stated, chuckling to himself as he ruffled Lee's hair making it more crazier. I smiled, glad that Lee was enjoying the outdoors

"It's fine. I was the same way when I was around his age, how old are you again?" I asked him

"9 in a half!" He stated and I nodded

"And how old am I?" I asked him. He wrinkled his nose, biting his lower lip before counting off his fingers

"...15... 16... 17... 18... 19!!!" Lee yelled excitedly and I nodded

"And I'm 30."

"Liar." Me and Lee called Dad out

"Okay... 40."

"56." I laughed when I saw the look on Dad's face, he was shocked that we remembered his exact age

"Well, Lee it is time to go, get you cleaned up alright?"

"But Dad, we weren't here for long!"

"Now, Austral needs to get some rest, it will give her time to get better. We will visit her tomorrow alright?" Lee sighed in defeat before hugging me, kissing my cheek before getting off of the bed. Dad leaned forward and kissed my head

"Get some rest, I'm so proud of you." He told me before picking Lee up and leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

(Time Skip)

3rd Person's POV

Austral slept soundly in her bed, soft snores escaping her as she cuddles more into the soft blankets. The door opened and stepped in Aiden, his eyes instantly falling on the blonde headed girl sleeping on her bed. Aiden softly closed the door behind him before walking towards the bed, his hands stuffed into his pockets as he inhaled Austral's scent, calming his jittery nerves. He has been holding off on seeing Austral for weeks now, because he felt betrayed and hurt that Austral would put him through so much pain for years. But then he realized, she didn't have a choice, she felt the same pain he did after she left him. Aiden sat down besides Austral's form before cautiously running his fingers through her sprawled out hair.

Aiden smiled and leaned down to kiss her temple before laying down next to her, pulling her against him, Austral turned around and cuddled into his warmth, throwing her arm around him. Aiden stared longingly down at his mate, the only one made for him, she was his as he was hers. Lilac or Austral, she is the same person, because she is his and only his.

Aiden pulled her closer to him and rested his chin on the top of her head, closing his eyes as he savored this moment between them.

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