Chapter 19

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Aiden's POV (Pic is of 'Lilac')

"Um, what?" I asked, confused

"Your mate is a Vera, Lilac is a Vera, Aiden." Mom told me, with a light smile

"Why hasn't she told me?"

"Because she didn't know." Miller stated, crossing his arms

"From my point of view on Vera's and what I have read about them, once you become of age, which is from 18-20 years old, you will see symptoms of fevers, lack of strength, etc. You guys are lucky that they aren't as bad."

"But her temperatures are through the roof!" Dad told him, gesturing to upstairs while I racked my brain for answers to questions I couldn't find

"Lucky, I met a Vera once, a woman named Octavia came to me in search of help, she was afraid of the symptoms, because she was pregnant at the time." Pregnant at, wait what?

"How old was she?" Mom asked him

"20, almost 21. I knew she wasn't a Rogue by the scent of her, her wolf held authority, so I could see why she didn't take herself to her pack doctor, too dangerous for a Vera who is pregnant." Milled explained

"Why?" I asked him

"Because in some packs, Vera's are shamed upon. She would be banished from her pack and of whatever title she held at the time. We kept in touch after that, until about 8 years ago. I have searched for her last name and what pack she originated from, but came up with no luck. That's when I gave up and came here to start a new life." Dad nodded at him, smiling

"Thank you for telling us, Miller."

"May I ask something?" We froze when we heard Mela

"Is she going to be okay?" Mela asked us, tears in her eyes. I walked over to her and put my hands on her shoulders

"Don't worry about her, Mela. She is going to be fine and she will be back to play with you in no time." I told her and she slowly nodded. She hugged me, wrapping her tiny arms around my neck

"I wuv you big brother." I smiled to myself, hugging her closer to me

"I love you too, Mela."

(Time Skip)

'Lilac's POV (Gonna go by her fake name for now on)

I groggily opened up my eyes to see my vision was blurry. I lazily rubbed them with my hands to try and regain my vision back. Once I did, I could see perfectly clear. The door opening up with a creak caught my attention. I quickly sat up to see Aiden walking in, carrying a tray with assorted fruits, water, and some type of medicine. He placed it down on my lap gently before kissing my hair

"How are you feeling?" He asked me, pulling up a chair to sit down next to my bed

"A little groggy and sucky." I explained to him and he nodded

"May I ask what the fruit is for?" I asked him

"The pack doctor said that assorted fruits should help you with your fever, plus if you drink from the remedy once a day for 5 days." He told me, taking the bottle into his hands to observe it. I nodded

"Okay, are you okay? You seem, concerned about something." I asked him and he sighed

"It's nothing, don't worry about it." He told me right before Mela ran into the room

"Flower! Are you okay, are you feeling better so we can go play?" Mela asked me, climbing onto my bed to hug me

"I'm okay Mela, don't worry." I told her with a little smile

"Big Brother, is she okay enough to play?" Aiden chuckled at his little sister

"She is feeling better, but won't be able to play with you for a couple of more days."



"I GOTTA GO, BYE PLEASE GET BETTER SOON FLOWER!!" Mela told me in a frenzy to get downstairs. I lightly laughed at her along with Aiden when she stumbled out of the bedroom door

"I will be right back, eat the fruits and take the medicine okay? If you don't, I will get very Angry-"

"I'm not a kid."

"Then you should know better, Lilly." He kissed the top of my head before leaving the room. 'He isn't telling us something.' I noticed. I grabbed the medication to see what it was, blue liquid was inside of it. I opened the vial and smelled it

"GAH!" What the hell is this stuff?! It smells horrible!

(After drinking the awful medication)

"Why didn't you eat the fruit?"

"The 'Medicine' smelled AND tasted HORRIBLE!" I yelled

"It did?"

"Um yeah, why do you think I didn't eat the fruit? It left and bad taste to my taste buds, yuck!" I fell back down onto the bed while he smelled the vial before pulling himself away harshly

"What is that awful smell?! I'm going to go ask Miller what is in that." He stated before exiting the room. I sighed in exasperation


Aiden's POV

"What exactly was in the vial Miller?" I asked Miller who was smelled the vial

"Fox Prune, Xalos Herb, Wolf Pelt, and Dust from a vampire."


"She had to or her symptoms would have been more severe. Did she say anything about eating the fruit?"

"She didn't."


"What?" Dad asked him

"If she didn't eat the fruit, that means she must be one powerful Vera indeed, Aiden you have struck a goldmin-" My eyes saddened when he mentioned gold. He stopped himself from speaking

"I'm sorry Aiden, I didn't mean to."

"It's alright.. Just.. I will be right back."

To Be continued

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