chapter 10

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I stood there crying watching the car ride away, missing my best friend already...

I went into the house and my brothe stood ther and asked me if I was ready for his plans for us tonight.

I looked at him ans asked him what plans, because the way he said it , he sounded very evil and knowing my brother it is usualy evil...

He only told me it is a suprise and we climbed into the car and he drove us to a weird place that I didn't reconize. He said this is the place where dad told him how to shift into a werewolf...

He looked at me and smiled and said now here I will teach you how to change into a badass hybrid that we are...

I agreed and asked him what I must do firs and he told me to consentrat on the things that make me super angry and I did next thing I know I got hot and steam went out of my body...

I heard him say oky now think of becoming a wolf and I did then it happened I was a badass hybrid and could hear birds from far away and even a spider spinning it's web.

I closed my eyes and opened it an I could see everything better and also smell everything...

He turned too and told me we have a mind link and thats how he is talking to me... I said that it's awesome and then he asked me if I wanyed to go and hunt for prey.

I asked him what do we eat and he answered thats the hard part we can only drink human blood, if we don't we could die...

I didn't want to kill a human what if they have a family or something. He answered me with dont worry we only kill people who steel and kill.

I agreed that would make me feel better if I only killed people wo do bad things. It makes it easier for my humanity to think aboud killing bad guys.

I am a super hero to the people, then my brother said yes but you can't ever get seen and if you do get seen turn back and compell them to forget what they saw...

This life stile I have now I have to get use to alot of things I don't even think I could ever get use to but it has to be done for me to survive...

I saw a guy holding a knife to a girls neck and asked my brother how can I get him to come to me and he said i'll make a noise and you stand on the other end in vampire vorm anf catch him and drag him away.

You can then wen your away from others feed on him , most people would say it was an animal atack but only a few would suspect the truth...

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