chapter 6

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Monday came and Dylan and Cole were nowwhere to be seen not even in the caveteria like usual. I knew something was wrong.

Anja tried to call Cole but he didn't pick up his phone. Thats when Anja also figured out something must be wrong because Cole always answers Anja's phone calls.

I went to our comuter lab at the school to do some reserch about the twins history and found out that their surnames are not Gold but it is O'Brian...

The most known family since the 1880 and there wad also twins called Dylan and Cold I couldn't belive it why would they lie about their surname or are they triei g to hide something...

Later that day Dylay showed up at my door for some weird reason, his exscuse was to see if I am oky. I know there js someting weird up with them but what could it be...

He just walked away after I said I am fine. I went to bed early because it was a super long day. I layed on the bed and started to feel bad like I was sick or something...

I think I saw my brother when I woke up but that is impossable it must have been a dream... I went back to sleep because it was two a.m. still time to sleep.

Dylan called me to ask me if he could see me he needs to tell me something that is very nessasary for me to know and its urgant for my savety.

He came over right away all I remember is he moved in to kiss me and then I blacked out without any memory of how I got into my bed or why my neck hurts.

I called Dylan to ask him wat happened he only told me to wait in my room he is coming over right away. I didn't even wait a whole min for him to come he was there super fast...

He told me if I wanted to stay alive I must come with him so he can protect me from the thret that he is not aloud to say out loud..

I went with hum and saw his house for the first time and belive me it looks like a palace or even better a castel...

When we went inside he let me sit down and told me what happend he said that I was different than the other people and I must stay with him so that he can protect me...

From the people that will hurt me and trie to end me because I am too dangerous...

The wrong guyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora