Secrets From Within [Legolas FanFic again]

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A long time ago Bilbo Baggins had never grew up lonely nor was he the only child. He had a companion not just any companion but an adopted sister who was an elf. A beautiful elf with skin as white as snow, hair and lips as red as a rose, with piercing dark eyes as the night and of course pointed ears.

Her name is Alvena Baggins.

Bilbo and Alvena grew up together, close like brother and sister. Alvena and Bilbo are the same age of fifty years old, Alvena always thought she was an unusual and strange Hobbit. Never knowing who she truly is, she dare not say that she is not a hobbit.

"Bilbo! Did you make breakfast?" Alvena shouted from her bedroom. 

"No, not yet Vena. What do you want to eat?" Bilbo called out from the kitchen. Alvena known as Vena walks to the kitchen wearing an outfit similar to Bilbo. White Tunic with brown pedals, brown suspenders and barefooted. But Alvena was wearing a white bandanna covering her ears and hair so she wouldn't stand out too much. Alvena was more ashamed of her ears especially her bright red hair. She knew she wasn't like all the other Hobbits but she was too afraid to admit it. No one knew how badly she wanted to be a Hobbit.

"Hmm... Fish sounds nice." Vena said as she walked off again then she shouted "Don't forget tea!" Right before Vena could return to her room she remembered something "MAIL!" she shouted as she dashed for the door with a running Bilbo behind her.

They both checked the mail grabbing and shoving the mail out of their hands. They did most of their routine after mail they would sit outside smoking a good pipe. "You know what would be nice Bilbo?" Vena asked. 

Bilbo looked at Vena as if saying 'what could be more nice than smoking some good pipe with a great view of  the Shire?' He blow smoke out of his nose and asked "What would be nice?" 

Vena smiled that's when bilbo knew what she was gonna say "Oh no! Don't say adventure! Last time you took me on an adventure we ended up getting chase by a boar." bilbo said. Alvena laughed at the memory shaking her head with her short hair swaying around her neck. She then quickly tucked in the hair that was hanging out of the bandanna.

Bilbo closed his eyes and something caught Vena's eyes, it was a butterfly made out of smoke and flew right onto Bilbo's nose making him gasp for air. Bilbo and Vena both turned their heads to see the person who made the butterfly smoke, it was a old man with dirty grey robes. Bilbo, who was well respected in the shire also Vena who did errands sometimes for people, but Bilbo was the one who knew what to say in awkward times.

"Good morning!" Bilbo greeted. 

"What do you mean? Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on?" the old man wizard guy ask making Vena's eyebrows raise and Bilbo looked confused and frightened at the same time since this old man was really tall making Vena feel very uncomfortable since she was the tallest in the shire.

"All of them at once, I suppose." Bilbo said. Vena nodded her head with a smile trying to at least be friendly. The old man just stared at Bilbo intently like he was the most interesting thing in the Shire. Vena looked over at Bilbo and whispered "Do you know him?" Bilbo looked at Vena, his expression saying everything. He looked back at the old man and asked "Can I help you?" Vena looked back at the old man as he said "That remains to be seen... I'm looking for someone to share an adventure..." making Vena's ears perk and her eyes widen with excitement making the old man look at her.

"An adventure?" Bilbo asked, disgusted.

"An adventure?" Alvena asked, excitingly. 

Vena turned to Bilbo to grab his suspenders and shake him like a mad woman would, "Are you crazy Bilbo? He is asking to go on an adventure, this might be our chance." she whispered in a hissing voice. 

"I'm not the crazy one here, Vena." Bilbo stated as his eyes drifted between the two tall people.

Bilbo pushed Vena back and said "No I don't imagine anyone of western Bree would have interest in adventures." As he stood up to get the rest of the mail from the mailbox. 

"Awww... come on Bilbo!" Vena whined. 

"Nasty, disturbing, uncomfortable things... Make you late for dinner." Bilbo said as he chuckled. Vena sighed loudly and said "That's all you ever say!"

"Hmm... Good morning." Bilbo said as he walked away with Vena on his tail but as soon as the old man talked again Vena and Bilbo turned around. 

"To think I should have lived to be good morning by Beladona Tookson as if I was selling buttons at the door." he said making Bilbo and Vena shocked. 

"I beg your pardon?" Bilbo asked. 

"You have changed not entirely for the better Bilbo Baggins." he said. 

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" Bilbo asked. 

"Well you know my name, all though you don't remember I belong to it, I'm Gandalf!" he said in his booming voice.

"And Gandalf means... me." he said making Vena smile with joy knowing who exactly this person is. "Not Gandalf the wandering wizard with such excellent fireworks Old Took used to have them on midsummer's eve.. haha.. I didn't know you were still in business."  Bilbo said making Gandalf frown. 

"And where else shall I be?" Gandalf asked, Bilbo tried to answer but nothing came making Vena stifle a laugh.

"Well I am pleased to see that you remember at least something about me... even if its only my fireworks.... well that's decided! It will be very good for you and most amusing for me. I shall inform the others." Gandalf said making Vena and Bilbo frown. 

Bilbo quickly said "To inform who?.. umm.. no! no.. no.. wait!" as Bilbo and Vena walked up the stairs, sometimes you could say that they both were twins.

"We do not want any adventures here!" Bilbo said making Vena elbow him and Bilbo swat her arm. 

"Thank you! Not today not... I suggest you try over the hills or across the waters." Bilbo said as he went inside his house pushing Vena inside with him and Vena called out "I apologize for his behavior Mr. Gandalf, good morning!" And they both closed the doors. 

"What in Took's name are you doing Bil--" Vena was cut off as Bilbo pulled her near covering her mouth with his hand "shhhh..."

Bilbo quickly locked the door. When Bilbo tried to look outside the window, Gandalf's face appeared in front of him making him jump. Vena bit Bilbo's hand making Bilbo shout in pain. "Bilbo! That was our only chance! You remember Gandalf... I also remember him too!" Vena shouted. Bilbo just rolled his eyes and said "We are already living a life that we always dream of, what more can we ask?" Bilbo asked as he went to the kitchen forgetting breakfast and going to get lunch ready. "We need adventure! Our life here is boring and horrible!" Vena shouted still at the door.

"The only thing horrible today is skipping breakfast and thinking that Wizard Gandalf would have turn us in some kind of insect." he said. This time Vena rolled her eyes and stomped off to her room.

Thanks for reading guys! I know I have like a lot of stories to finish but I wanted to get this out. Since I always wanted to do a FanFiction with the story line of 'The Hobbit' written by: JRR Tolkien and Directed by: Peter Jackson. Meaning I don't own any character but I do Own Alvena Baggins. 

Secrets From Within [Legolas FanFic again] #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now