Quotes (181-210)

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1.       Don’t change yourself for someone. If they don’t appreciate the way you are, find someone who will

2.       None but ourselves can free our mind

3.       Faith in God changes everything

4.       When you’re down  to nothing, God is up to something

5.       Girl: Sweet dreams! Boy: Lagi namang sweet ang dreams ko, ikaw kasi ang nandun

6.       Intelligence can bring you to success, but it’s your attitude that keeps you there. Degree doesn’t define a person, attitude does

7.       If God solves your problem, you have faith in his abilities. If he doesn’t solve your problem he has faith in your abilities

8.       Being inspired with someone is the simplest and best reason why you find yourself smiling without a reason

9.       We don’t need a thousand friends to be happy, few is enough as long as they accept and really believe us of what we are

10.   Respect people who find time for you in their busy schedule. But love the people who never look at their schedule when you need them

11.   If you think that what you’ve done is right, well then you’re a fool. Think again

12.   Don’t change yourself for someone. If they don’t appreciate the way you are, find someone who will

13.   Your pillow is the best hair dresser in this world because everyday when you wake up in the morning you wake up with a new hair style

14.   A night hug warms the heart, a night kiss brightens the night, a night prayer enlightens the soul.

15.   You can either do what makes you happy or choose to disappoint me

16.   Smiling is the best way to face every problem, to crash every fear and to hide every pain

17.   You know what’s the best thing everytime I wake up? It’s when I see your text in my inbox. It simply means you remember me

18.   Fact about friends: 50% of them know and like you because of the favors you do or did for them. 30% of them have seen you at your best.  15% of them shared your pain but only 3% knows the real story of your life and only 2% remains true and always there for you

19.   Never give up on something you really want. It’s difficult to wait but worst to regret

20.   I give up. I give in. I let go cause no matter what I do my heart is filled with you. I cannot imagine what would it be like without you cause you got me

21.   Some people say that we are crazy if we are smiling for no reason. But they don’t know that smiling with no reason is the best way of remembering a special person

22.   No one can go back and change a bad beginning, but anyone can start now and create a successful ending

23.   I need a person who will correct me if I did something wrong, not a person who will leave me if I did mistakes

24.   When a girl cries for a guy it means she really misses him. But when a guy cries for a girl, it means no one can love that girl more than him

25.   You need to stop doing things for someone especially when you find out it’s expected rather than appreciated

26.   I don’t have the prettiest face for you to look at or the skinniest waist for you to hold, but I do promise I have the biggest heart to love you with

27.   True wealth is not a matter of bank accounts and assets. It is in values we live and share as well as the persons we keep in touch and care for

28.   Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal- Henry Ford

29.   I hope my morning greeting is like ADVIL, to relieve your pain. CENTRUM to make you complete. ENERVON to give you more energy. MYRA E to keep you glowing. LACTUM to make you 100% panatag. COKE so you can open happiness. NESCAFE para sa akin ka bumabangon. COFFEE MATE to make your day perfect and BIOGESIC, ingat!

30.   He’s not perfect but knows how to be. He’s not a super hero but he always protects me. He’s an ordinary person but a great person in our family (for fathers)

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