Like No Other

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I could here shrieks coming from the room next to me. God, my roommate is such a whore. Who will it be this time? It could be any guy really. No, scratch that. She doesn't care if it's a girl or boy, young or old, ugly or not, she'll do them all. And when I say do them, I mean screw their brains out. 

I know, right?

I stared at the digital clock on my bedside table. 3:03 a.m. Great. Why don't you should shove a knife in my skull and we'll call it even? No? Okay. 

Will she shut UP already? Gosh, it was getting loud. And these were full out screams. 

"NO! NO, PLEASE STOP!!! NOOO!!!!" a girl's voice floated from the wall where my roommate's room was located. 

Loud, desperate sobbing came from the room. I was frozen, my eyes wide open. I know I should do something. 

I slipped out of my bed, my hands shaking. My footsteps seemed too loud. The door was open just a crack. With my toe, I gently eased it open, and stared out into the dark, unforgiving hallway. 

Tiptoeing, my body plastered to the hallway, I made my way to her room. 

The door was wide open. 

I whimpered before I could stop myself. 

A big dark shape whirled around, the whites of his eyes glowing in the darkness. My eyes snapped shut, hoping, praying that this was just a dream. 

And then I felt his rough, callused hand on my arm. 

He jerked me forward, and I fell to the floor with a thump. I cried out as he gripped me, and I could feel the knife plunging into my chest. 

The blood spilled over, making a stain on my nightgown. 

I was dying, and there was nothing to be done about it. Nothing. 

I squeezed my eyes shut. The shape was gone. I was alone. 

And the pain was like no other. 


Author's Note: Whoo hoo! This is a short story I felt like writing. It's not going to be a book, unless you want me to make it one. It's just a little thing. 

Tell me if you DO want me to write more. I have a plot for it, but if no one wants it then I'll just leave it like this! 

So please comment and vote!

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