Molasses and Jellied Toadstools

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This one particular cauliflower field was a secret. It was so secret, that it was guarded by treacherous ostriches wielding rusted butter knives, the only thing that can kill a Mukmuk dragon! But for some reason, at the moment, no ostriches were there. Only one thing was in that field. There were rows, and rows, and rows, and rows of cauliflower. 

Mukmilk was momentarily mesmerized. Never before had he seen so much cauliflower. Bubbling with ecstasy, he rushed over to a row of cauliflower. He skid to a stop when he noticed a mysterious figure looming over the plants. He caught a sudden whiff of what can only be described as cat hair mixed with molasses and jellied toadstools, a Misu dragon. As a wee baby, he was told to hate the Misu clan. In fact he was told to hate every single clan except for the Quatchi clan. But he never really understood the need to hate until he saw that Misu dragon eating all his cauliflower! 

This was absolutely unacceptable. His vision turned blurry and red as he stormed towards the other dragon. He was just about a meter away from her when the sky turned black, and the sun disappeared from his vision. Completely confused, he stopped in his tracks and looked up. Flying emus covered the sky.

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