Trysten and James. The whole story.

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The next day James offered to tell me 'our' story. Like Oliver had the previous day. I was excited. He came at 10 that morning, wearing low ride jeans that fit him perfectly along with his boots and a grey v-neck. He looked simply brilliant. His blondish hair messily atop his head, yet it looked fantastic. He looked fantastic. 

He sat in a chair. The same chair Oliver was in only hours ago. He looked up at me with love filled eyes. "Ready?" He asks, breaking the comfortable silence that surrounds us. I nod and move over in my bed a little, patting the free space so he knows it's okay if he lays there. He glady takes the offer. I don't know why I feel move comfortable with him right now than I did with Oliver, but that's okay. Maybe it's because we have a son together. Or maybe it's the fact that I was cold. Ha, probably the latter. 

A few second later, he begins.

Danny started Asking Alexandria with Ben at the early age of about 17. I was 16 at the time. Ben, the lead guitarist. Cameron, rhythm guitar. At the time, Joe was the bassist but was replaced by Sam a little while after. Danny was vocals. Lastly, James. He played drums. 

I was always closest with Danny and Ben. Considering Danny was my brother. But Ben was instantly my best friend. Still is. 

I never really got close with the others. We were all friends, good friends, but I wasn't close to them. 

We would party together, and I was their personal photographer. Wherever they were, I was.

I was always attracted to James. Always. But I never did anything about it. We would glance at each other occasionally, but that was it. 

Once they were famous, like, really famous, everything changed. A few years into the fame, 2013 I think, everything changed. 

I went on tour with AA and BMTH, like Oliver had explained yesterday. James had always had a small crush on me, but never did anything about it.

But when his girlfriend Brandi cheated on him with Oliver, that was it. I was there for him. We were always together. Hanging out, crying on each others shoulders, staying at each others houses, everything.

That's when James found out Brandi was pregnant with his baby. She was dating Oliver, but James was single. Long story short, the baby was a stillborn. James was heartbroken, again. But I was there for him. 

Oliver had broken up with Brandi for me, and I forgave him. But halfway through tour, we were fighting again. 

All of us went to a party, me, AA, and OM&M. It was at a friend of Austin Carlile's house. 

All of us got very, very drunk. Me, being the compulsive drunk that I am, ended up sleeping with James. I got pregnant that night. Everyone was ecstatic. Especially James, he couldn't wait to have a baby. Oliver was upset, but later forgave me. James and I dated all through the pregnancy. 

Seth Rayne Cassells, our son, was born on June 21, 2014. He was simply beautiful. James showed me a lot of pictures of us in the hospital, and newborn Seth. The amount of love that showed in his eyes when he talked about his son was immense. 

James and I were always dating. He told me how much it killed him to be away from us while on tour. Having a baby wasn't easy alone, but Oliver was around when James and the guys wern't. 

But, when Seth was 3, all hell broke loose. Sam and Ben had Seth for the night so I could wrap Christmas presents, and James went out with some old friends that night. But, he came home with someone. It broke my heart, and I left. 

He explained how they didn't do anything because he sobered up before they did, thank god. But by that time, I had already gotten in the accident. 

He rushed to the hospital, and all of the guys met him there a few minutes after. Seth was at Samantha and Ben's asleep, so he was safe, thank god. No one was mad at James. Not really, they were more concerned about me. 

They ended up finding out that I got hit head on by a drunk driver, and broke a few things. My condition was critical, and doctors warned the boys that I may never wake up. 5 months and 16 days I layed in a hospital bed, in a coma. 

Every day, all of AA along with Oliver, was by my side. Every day.

Seth had been pretty much moved in to Samantha and Ben's so he would be taken care of. He didn't understand that mommy was hurt and might not wake up. 

Danny went into a deep depression, along with Ben. James, for a while, punched everything he saw. He thought it was his fault. It wasn't. He didn't hit me, that drunk driver did. 

Sam and Cameron were quieter than usual, and Oliver wouldn't talk.

But, then I woke up. And everyone was back to normal. Everyone except for me, that is. I'm still stuck not remembering anything except my name. 

James told me how he planned on proposing on new years, but couldn't since I was in the coma. 

The story brought tears to my eyes. Seth did really resemble James, but had the same eyes as me from what I saw in the pictures. He was adorable. I wish I could see him, but the doctors say that's not a good idea until I remember who he is. I agree, I guess. I would hate to take to my mum and her not know who I was.

By now James and I were laying in my hospital bed, surrounded by a comfortable silence. Occasionally he'll bring up random memories of our time together, but they don't do any good considering I have no idea what he's talking about. And he knows that. But he's patient. 

I just hope he's patient enough to wait for me until I remember everything. Anything. But I'm fearing that day may never come.

Opinions? Yes? No? Who's story do you want next? And who do you want her to end up with?

5 votes, 5 comments for next update! And I want your opinions on who she should end up with!!!!

All my love,

~Alexandria<3 and a big thankyou to my cousin Oliver who typed all of this for me!!!<3

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