Twisted Faith

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Chapter 1

Everyone has friends, weird ones, funny ones, corky ones, even the ones that hit on you and have a very awkward breakup session in the end.

Living in Los Angeles you get the whole package. You know the TV shows you watch at night with the storyline of an outcast trying to survive the populazies of the school? Yeah, that’s about where I am standing in the ‘food chain’ with the only person that I know as my actual ‘buddy.’

He’s not what you call, normal. Not calling someone who has seen himself die with his parents and waking up few days later as the walking dead, as a ‘hard-to-come-by’ situation but it is. I know I should begin to question his humanity but that would just get my hair ruffled in a mess.

The fact is, he’s my friend, no matter what he is and oh, her he comes right now, stepping in the school’s #1 douchebag of the year’s way. Oh, great.


“Duncan!” I said out of breath, crossing the distance between the three towering men and me in under 3 seconds. Two, with varsity jackets on, glaring at one, who stood, with his abnormally pale skin and strong bodice. “Leave them be.” I said in a hushed tone, tugging on his shoulder as I came round.

The tall blonde one of the two, Marcus, the school’s prized football player’s fixated glare turned into a mocking smile. “Wow, Duncan, hiding behind a girl now? Did your pussy suck your balls into its wet abyss?” he snide, high fiving the other with dark hair, equally buff, definitely all brawn and no brain, Jeremy if I recall. Both of them howling with laughter, making the whole school turn our way.

Duncan’s body was shaking in anger; I heard bones snapping and saw that his hands were balled into fists. Tightening my grip, “Back off, idiots, before I call Mr. Holston on you two,” I said before shadowing Duncan behind me. He didn’t object and both of us knew exactly why.

“Ooooo, you’re a scary bitch,” they teased making dumb faces, driving the people around them to laugh. This is just another choir just waiting to happen. Before it did though, Marcus grabbed Jeremy by the arm and turned away, still howling with laughter. “Tell you what, you entertain us, so we’ll let you and your pussy of a friend go. This time.” With that, they disappeared around the corner. The bell rang right on cue, and there was chaos with students running, trudging into classes.

Before long, the hallway slowly became silent, leaving us alone by the lockers.

With a relieved sigh, I turned myself towards Duncan. He was looking down at the floor, body still trembling in rage. I lifted his chin to force him to look at me and sure enough, there it was in all its glory, the crimson red eyes and protruding pair of fangs. Some days, I just want to drive a stake through his heart.

“You know what you did back there was stupid right?” I asked him, staring right at him.

He looked away quickly, “They started it first,” his voice strained from anger. He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath, letting it out before I saw his fangs retreating itself.

I thumped his head hard, rolling my eyes. “Doesn’t matter idiot, the police will be dragging two body bags out by the end of the day if I didn’t stop you. Seriously, have I taught you nothing?”

He glared at me with a fierce expression. “You’re human, you don’t understand how hard it is!” he hissed at me. Oh, no he didn’t!

“What did you say? Human? We’re playing the ‘I’m the suffering vampire’ card now? Don’t forget who’s the one who stopped you from draining Monica during that party last month and oh, the one who sacrificed her blood just so you won’t munch down on those drunken bastards. Don’t even start to lecture me on understanding, Duncan.” I almost yelled, but kept my tone even. We’re so late for History class.

There was a panicked expression on his face, his arms grabbing me as I turn away. “Please, Alyssa,” he turned me around. Looking at his ruffled blonde hair, shadowing his blue eyes, and lips turning into a slight pout. “I’m sorry okay? You know you’re the only one I have left,” he breathed.

That always made my chest tighten. It’s not that he’s a clinger to anyone; it’s just that Duncan is on his own, since his parents passed. He’s been living in the huge mansion they left for him, living off money that never seem to stop flowing in to his bank account. Duncan’s parent used to be investors and ran a Fortune 500 company. They were really close to our family, Duncan and I being childhood friends and all. He was never a vampire to begin with.

How he became one, remained a mystery. One that we’ve been trying to crack for months now. From what I heard from him, he just woke up one day, like he is now, with his parents dead in the library. There was a lot of blood, some I could still see stained on the oak wood, whenever I visited, which was pretty often. I am the only one he trusts with the truth.

I let out a long breath, and pulled him into a hug. When we pulled apart, I could see the tears flowing down his cheeks.

“Yikes, the douche was right, your balls did get owned.” I joked, rolling my eyes. He punched me lightly on the shoulder, hastily rubbing them away.

“Hey, you being angry with me, makes me think you’ll leave me,” he said. “I can’t survive this without you and your constant nagging you know.”

He laughed and it was my turn to punch him in the arm. He probably won’t feel a thing but he still let out a fake groaning noise. “Come on drama queen, Leslie is not going to be happy that we’re late for his class. AGAIN.” I said dragging him and my pile of books up to the second floor.

“Yes mother,” he said letting me drag him all the way.

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