Nikki and Brie

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Nikki's POV : I can believe that Rollins knows where Brie is!!!! I can't wait to see her again!! I wonder what happened to her after the crash?? Did she get the help she needed?? Did she even go to a hospital, and why does Seth know where Brie is ?? There's no other hospitals in the town were in , and if she wasn't in the hospital I was in then she never got medical attention. Oh No , I hope she's ok!

Seth : Here come with me I'll take you to Brie

Nikki : Umm ok , did she get the medical attention she needed??

Seth : I don't know , I was sent here to get you

Nikki : By who??

Seth : Brie

Nikki : Seth be serious

Seth : Fine Daniel , sent me here to get you and bring you to Brie

Nikki : Wait how did Daniel get Brie in the first place ?

Seth : Nikki you know to much already

Nikki : No I haven't!

Seth : We're here

** Nikki ran inside with Seth following her**

Nikki : BRIE ?!?!


Nikki : COMING !!!

** Nikki raced down the basement stairs to see Brie all tied up**

Nikki : Brie what happened to you and why are you tied up??

Brie : I dint know this man brought me here and won't tell me who he is and why he brought me here

Nikki : Seth told me that Daniel sent him to come get me

Brie : I couldn't have been Daniel , the person was taller

Nikki : Big show tall??

Brie : No

Stranger: Hello Brianna and Nicole long time no see

Brie : umm u just saw me for the past week and like 5 minutes ago

Stranger: Brie don't smart talk me ok?!?

Brie : Well that's too bad cupcake , we don't always get what we want

Stranger: If you want to know who I am you'll shut it

Brie : Fine

Nikki : Wait your the one that's been keeping my sister held hostage   For the past month?!?

Stranger: yes but for a good reason

Nikki : Umm WHY!?!?

Stranger : Because I love her

Nikki & Brie : WHAAAAAAAAAAAT?!?!

Stranger : Oh don't act so surprised

Brie: Haha Nikki told you someone loves me !!

Nikki : Ya but this ones a psych

Stranger: umm you guys know I'm right here right??

Nikki & Brie : uh durrr

Stranger : Well then this is a perfect time to tell you my identification . my name is ..........

A/N :
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter 💕 Was this as good as the last chapters ?? And who do you think should be the stranger that kidnapped Brie ?? Or should it be one of the 2 I mentioned ( Seth or Daniel) Plz comment down below what you think 💕💕💕

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