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Hux melted into the couch, not even caring to remove his work uniform or shoes. Relief began to seep in, reviving his tired body if not a little bit. He rubbed at a patch of dirt on his cheek that must have gotten there when he was potting plants earlier. It had been a hot Wednesday, and when you work outside most of the day, the heat seems intensified and inescapable.

The garden center of First Order Depot was a sight, yes. Hux's little plant army was the main attraction of the whole store, in his opinion. Tending to them was enjoyable. It was when he was ordered to help unload shipments and carry heavy things that he hated his job. He produced such copious amounts of sweat that he felt like a wilted flower petal: drained of all body fluids and hopelessly limp and dead.

He longed for a shower, but getting up was too much of a hassle. He could've drifted off to sleep had his phone not startled him out of his daze.

He made a grab towards the coffee table where he'd deposited his phone, wondering who could possibly be texting him at ten in the evening. It was probably Phasma complaining about an indecisive customer again. She hated it when people wasted her time.

Surprisingly enough, it wasn't Phasma. Hux tapped the notification curiously.

Unknown Number: i want u in my ass right now

Hux stared at the text in astonishment. What the fuck? That was definitely not what he expected. When the shock had subsided, he was on the verge telling the poor soul that they had the wrong number when an idea struck him. He was in need of entertainment, and what better way to entertain oneself than to  play along with a horny stranger's texts? He was lacking in the sexual activity department for months, and jacking off to pictures of Kit Harington every night before bed was losing its charm. So, he hastily typed out a response. His thumb hovered over the send button, doubt beginning to invade his thoughts, before thinking fuck it and sending the message:

Oh yeah? Tell me how much you want me, baby.

The person on the other end read it almost immediately, and Hux's heart began pumping a little faster. He didn't know why he was so exhilarated all of a sudden. His phone went off again and he scrambled to read what it said.

Unknown Number: i want u so fucking bad my dick aches mmmm

Holy shit, Hux thought. His dick twitched in his pants. Fuck. It was a guy. Hux had hit the jackpot. The guy was not only gay, but he was under the impression that Hux was whoever he meant to text and was not holding back whatsoever. Hux had half a mind to tell him he was mistaken, but it was too late now. Hux was already interested. He replied:

Damn, babe. Tell me you want me again~

Hux was an awful person. He knew he needed to quit this right now. After all, he couldn't really get anything out of it if he didn't know what this guy looked like. He sighed and read the guy's response.

Unknown Number: i want u so fucking much babe

Thank goodness he didn't send any pictures, because that would make Hux's final text pretty awkward. He smirked as he typed out his last message, wishing he could keep playing with this guy's emotions, but knowing he had to end it before it went too far. After a moment's hesitation, he clicked send and prepared to gain a new adversary.

Yeah? Well, as the wise Mick Jagger once said, you can't always get what you want ;)

A minute went by after the read notification popped up and Hux smiled victoriously. He was about to close his phone when the person wrote back, fuck you.

In your dreams, Hux thought as he closed his phone. He got up from his comfy spot on the couch and made his way to the bathroom to inevitably jerk off in the shower to the thought of an invisible man, desperate for his touch.

Should I continue?

Contempt at First Text ~KYLUX TEXTSWhere stories live. Discover now