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The MBTI is a personality test; there are 16 types, and each are equal. Your type is a combination of 4 letters, of which there are 8~
Introvert: recharge in solitude
Extrovert: recharge with people

Sensors: live in reality, like detailed topics
Intuitives: live in their minds, like abstract concepts

Feelers: emotional, use their hearts to make decisions
Thinkers: not very emotional, use logic

Judgers: like structure, are organized, get things done
Perceivers: do not like structure, can procrastinate
(Fun fact~ usually, types are stereotyped and overly dramaticized. Sometimes, you will meet people who are a type you never thought they would be. The test seems to give an outline of how you think and perceive the world, although your actions and mask may be different from what you really are)

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