Chapter 5 - The Cut and Glow

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Graverobber led me into streets and found an abandoned home  and opened the door and dropped his clock on the floor and flopped on the couch.

"So this is home, make it your as you please" He smiled looking at a magazine.

i walked to the window and saw thw advertisment outisde of Rotti Largo, Amber Sweet, My mother, Pavi and Luigi, they were like roylaty, I suddenyly hear Graverobber's voice in the background.

"Look at this, It's going to end in a blood bath, it's gonna be huge, biggest one I've seen. The three kids will go to waste and ruin and be forgotten and Mag well, her life is going to get  cut soonly" he sang

"What of Mag?" I asked

"Her eyes are the problem, you see, GeneCo will take them obviously and her daughter will take the fame and GeneCo will take her life.

"What a terrible life and a tradgy for her, what  a burden she  must lead" she exclamied

 "Cut the crap, I know your her" he smiled

"Who" I asked

"Mag's Daughter, the girl's blood is filled with Zydrate the never ending suply"  He rasied his fist up in the air like he had something in his hand.

"Who told you?" I asked "No one has ever ever'

"Have you looked up to the skies, the tabbliod have your name on them your mother doesn't know you exist apprently" He sang "The world is big and scary too big and bad for little girls, you wouldn't even care for what is in stall for you" He came over to my and rested his head on my shoulder "Little girls need proecteion from the bones, organs, blood and love on the streets, it's everywhere, more than that can you handle me and GeneCo it's self" He sang loudly and  angrliy while walking over to windows.

"I don't want to go back, There waiting for my fleh to be cut" I sang quietly

"You havent' had it..." He smiled pointing at me

"Had what?" I rasied my eyebrows

"The Glow and the cut, never had been perfected" he paused and tunred around to face me "That's why they chose it, I myself haven't have it but I just sell the glow for the public, might even give you some if your lucky" He chuckled in a low voice and sat down putting his hand over his eyes and letting out a sigh.

"You might to get some rest, tomorrow we have a busy day tomorrow"

I nodded and sat down on the floor on pillows

"Don't be shy" He smiled patting the couch for me to sit next to him, I refused as I started to lie on my side and slowly close my to sleep and wishing that my motehr will search for and that she still cares for me.

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