The Resolution (A.K.A. The Epilogue)

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Asher won the scholarship for his article.

I heard the news in the morning announcements and couldn't help feel a little bit proud. Barely a week after I started to date Noah, I had read finally gathered enough courage to read the entire article for the first time. It was very well written, I admit, and it did put the UFOrdinance in good light. There was even a mention of an "honorable journalist" who helped him gather the information inside the story. I felt like it was a small sort of apology that he was trying to give me. We haven't spoken since I caught him behind Fat Freddy's with Natasha, and that's all right with me. While I don't hate him like I said I did anymore, there are no special feelings towards him now, either.

Noah and I attended graduation together to watch Asher cross the stage in his purple robe. At the bottom of the stands, I could see his mother in a wheelchair crying as he waved his diploma at her. It was a beautiful sight, and it made glad that I had turned in the theories. Now, Emily McDunn would watch her boy drive off to college and his future. I wouldn't have passed up the overjoyed expression on her face right then for anything. Mr. McDunn and his two small children stood to the right of their mother, giggling and waving at their big brother, Asher.

Meanwhile, I indulged wholeheartedly into the UFOrdinance. Becoming a geek full time was harder than I expected, but was well worth it. Within the next year, we managed to report three mostly confirmed alien sightings to SETI. The utter joy on Geoffrey's face when the institution gave us a medal for our valor was priceless.

As for Noah and me... well, that story hasn't had an ending yet. But let's just say that it's getting there, going over the same bumps of life that we all face one time or another. As of right now, I'm happy to say that cheesy line that I've always wanted to end a story with. Even a story as imperfect as mine.

And we all lived happily ever after.

The End.

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