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Ignoring my question the girl in the school uniform with black hair flowing with freedom, first jumped into greeting, "Hi, Reito!" Which I was wrong, and I should've greeted her first. "I followed you up here because you seemed lonely. You were staring at the sky for only a second, I believe." She finally answered. 

That felt like at least ten minutes. Scratching my head, I got up. "Thank you. I'll be leaving." I started to walked away when something grabbed my hand. I blushed and tried to calm down. "Can't you stay with me? I don't know anyone." She politely asked.

"Well, supposedly you don't know me as well." I informed her behind my back.

"We can get to know each other." She insisted. I can tell she smiled. There are many people in the cafeteria but she chose me to know each other. Today is my unlucky day, I assumed.

Relaxing my body, I have no where to go so I decided to stay. I sat down where I previously sat and Nirvana immediately dropped down next to me. Touching me. I moved over a few feet. She followed but stop about a foot away. She dig down her backpack only to come out with a small lunch box in her hands. I resume staring at the sky, curious about why I had a flashback when I never had one. Is it because of Nirvana? 

Forgotten that Nirvana was next to me she offered, "Reito, would you like to some of my food. I realized you didn't have anything to eat." She used the chopstick and picked up a sushi then brought it at my direction. I shook my head in decline of the offer. "I made these myself, and I made to much. Can you at least just tell me if they're good or not?" She insisted even more. I cannot draw anymore attention and I did not absolutely want to be rude. I let a out a huge breath then put my hands out so she can dropped the sushi into me hands. Nirvana was confused why I had my hand out. 

"Placed the sushi into my hands." I quickly explained. Nirvana giggled. It was a cute giggled. "Is something wrong?" She pushed my hands back but as soon as her hand made contact I moved it back first. My face turns red. "So you don't want me to have it after all?" I guessed.

She laughed again. "Open your mouth." She demanded. What did she just say!? First she sat by me. Second she followed me to the roof. And now she is demanding me to open my mouth so she can feed me? I was confused by this whole concept of why she is jumping into conclusions. 

"Are you okay? Not to mention the seat you choose, the following me, and the feeding me is a coincidence. What do you want, money, friends, food, or a victim? I don't have any of those." I told her. She was turning her smile upside down. I had no choice but to open my mouth. She slowly inserted the sushi in and I took a bit. Surprisingly, she can cook because the sushi was tasty and very good. 

"I'll answer any question you have now that you have eaten my first cook ever. How did it taste like?" She made a worry face. I grinned showing her that the food tasted good but it seems she even worried more. 

"It's not bad. It's actually very delicious. Now answer my questions." I reminded her. I licked around my lips for the last taste that was lingering around the lips. 

"Well the yesterday was when I moved in. And you happen to live across from me. I saw you give money to the poor, and not just how much you give but how much love you put into the giving. You also watered plants that were going to die. I even saw you save someone from jumping off a three story high. And today, well. I saw you helping the new student out. Which is me!" She answered. What is she, a stalker or a spy? "And if you forgotten, you helped me yesterday when I was walking down the street and slipped but you caught me from behind." She added. It's true, no wonder she somewhat looks familiar. But I still don't understand.

"What is the point?" I asked. 

"You seem so kind and all but yet so lonely and dark." She confronted. Someone finally noticed.

I coughed. "Well that's just me." She didn't react, instead she stood there waiting for another word to come out. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to leave now." She blocked my way. I let out a huge breath and gently pushed her aside.

"Fine, if you don't want to get better social life then be that way." She revealed her point at last. I shrugged and walk off. What does she know about the social environment anyway. I walked back down to the cafeteria without her. What a lousy day, with an annoying girl on the way. 

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