Chapter I: The Boy Who Cannot Change

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As long as I lived, I am reminded that I'm no human no more. I am an Existence, not human which I tell myself everyday. As the bright yellow, warm, fuzzy sun rose, I feel like today is the day I will be gone and lose my existence. It was never surprise to find myself still the same, in my boxers, and sitting on the edge of my bed. I never wanted to be an Existence in the first place, but only chose this path because I wanted to help civilians in need. Because with these Existence powers, I can do anything. But knowing that each day was too lonely and I cannot live-exist anymore. Once I disappear, no one will remember me because I am forgotten. 

I forced my eyelids to open and took a look to the right. 7:50 a.m.! I'm late for class again! Stopping time. It was my powers to stop time and each Existence has a unique power. While stopping time I quickly put on a pair of jeans, a black t-shirt, and a black hoodie. I skipped breakfast and just put on my shoe and dashed out the door to school. 

"Stupid me! Losing my memories too." I cursed. I ran back to my room to grab my backpack and out I raced again. 

I was near the classroom door when the time started to continue again. And DING goes the bell for tardiness. This is the side effect of stopping time which I cannot control how long I can stop it for. Sighing in relief, I twisted the door knob and entered. Rubbing my head at the same time, Mr. Yoshi gave me the "wheres your late pass" look while tapping his right foot. I half smirked. 

"Late again! Where's your pass, Mister Reito? Let me guess, you over slept again?" Mr. Yoshi said rolling his eyes.

"Sorry, Sir! I won't do it again." I excused back. Behind Mr. Yoshi was a cute girl who I believe is not in my class. Mr. Yoshi noticed me glancing at the girl. The girl has these beautiful green eyes, and her hair was not tied back.  

"This time and this time only, I will let you pass. This here is a transfer student." He pointed to the girl behind him. "You may now take your seat." I walked forward a couple steps then turn left and went all the way to the back corner desk then plopped my butt on the chair and set my backpack on the side of the desk. While walking, I overheard many guys checking the girl out and whistling. Mr. Yoshi then nodded at the girl.

She introduced herself, "Hi. I'm Nirvana Iris. Nice to meet you all!" Then Nirvana suddenly changed the topic. "Mr. Yoshi, may I sit next to Reito?" Staring out at the window, I was suddenly caught by surprise. I kind of turned bright red but looked towards the window again. I just wondered, I never talked to anyone and I'm an outcast. If she sits near me, she won't gain or make any friendships.

"It is your first day after all. You may sit next to Reito." Mr. Yoshi agreed. All the guys stared at me with death look. Nirvana walked towards the desk carrying her textbooks in her hands, smiling, and full of energy to learn. 

"Why sit with a freak when you can sit next me?" A popular guy whispered. I ignored it because I self promise to use the power for good and if not, that guy wouldn't have a mouth talking crap.

"Hi, Reito. I'm Nirvana." Nirvana introduced again. I nodded and she took a seat. 

It was lunchtime when I finally get my freedom and alone time. I went to the roof of the school and lean against the wall near the edge of the roof. Hot, humid, and sweaty, I positioned my head upwards and closed my eyes. 

"Run Laila! Get away from here!" I screamed as the heavy block of wood came falling down and landed on top of my legs. Laila, my little sister, cried with tears dripping down her face.

"B-brother Reito. Lets go together. You said you won't leave me alone." She wiped her tears and tried to lift it up. I acknowledge her help but its no use. At this rate, the house is going to be bursting into explosion if the flames continue. 

"Laila, I'll always be with you. I'll protect you because you're my sister. Now RUN!" I forced her and push her. 

I jumped out of the flashback and came back into reality. There was a shadow covering my body. In front of me stood Nirvana. I pushed back, surprised. 

"How did you find me? And how long was I out?" I asked. 

Rewrite V.02 - 05291019

Dawn touched the tip of the horizon. My nose picked up the scent of nearby peony outside my window. The breeze brushed through the books of biology and calculus laying on the desk in front of the window. It swished through the pages like flickering dollar bills. Eventually, the wind slammed the door shut and there goes my alarm for the day. No different then any other day, I lifted my navy blue blanket away and sat on the edge of the bed. Adjusting to daylight, my eyes increasingly focused..

7:50 AM, the digital clock reads. Awh shit, I'm late again. I snapped my fingers. The wind ceased to blow, the pages frozen in place, and the chirps silenced. Time froze. 

Why am I using this, I'm already late. It's not like I can rewind time. I would if I could. 

Snapped. I snapped it again and everything came back to life. But not her, she's gone. Gone forever. 

I took the narrow trail to class. It's not like I'm going to receive a lighter punishment for arriving early late. Once late, always will be regardless. Should I skip? I'm already halfway, I may as well keep going. 

"Home sweet home," I cried in front the school. "A place to learn about being punished!" 

Mr. Yoshi suddenly appeared. "Reito Xisto. Late as usual. What's the new story now?" 

"Just arriving to school like how you want. Be glad I'm willing to show up." I brushed passed Mr Yoshi. It doesn't matter how it goes down anyway. I'm down for anything, nothing is worth existing for. 

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