3..2..1..Here it Begins!!!

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Shahzad's POV

Ahhhhh... Finally I landed at the Toronto Pearson international airport.

I had come to Canada for studying a MBA in Business Management degree at the University of Toronto. It was a long tiring journey and leaving mom behind for 2 years was difficult. I would be accomplishing not only mine but also my father's dream if I could successfully complete this course. In-sha-Allah

Since I was born I was told that I had to walk in my dad's footsteps and never disappoint him. With the grace of Allah till that moment I had been able to fulfill his dreams.

I rented a cab and went straight to the dorms of University of Toronto.

Wow ....my dorm room was a warm cozy room. It was empty as for now but I was hoping that my roommate would be a friendly person since I was not so good at initiating friendships.

There were two bunker beds on the opposite walls and three studying tables each a chair. Since the journey was tiring I decided to take a nap for a couple of hours and do the unpacking later ...i also had to tour the university.

Sweet slumber here I come

I woke up the next morning and quickly got ready for my first day at the University.

And I thought to myself "Man!!!! this is it, a New World, a New Atmosphere. Time to do this my way.....Make yourself, Groom yourself, Make your identify, Make your name...you have a talent and only you can take it to the next level.

Fizza's POV

I am constantly staring at my laptop screen since the past hour to get the mail of my dreams ...... I was waiting for a mail from The University Of Toronto... I was soooo excited about studying in Canada. It was my childhood dream to be an software engineer and after some moments my fate would be decided.

Oops... I am so silly...In this whole excitement i forgot to tell you about myself. Guys, I am Fiza Ahmad... a typical 18 year old Indian girl with ambitious dreams... And one of my dream is to get an international degree of software engineering.. that is why i applied for scholarship in The University Of Toronto. My father works for the Government in department of income tax as a senior officer... so he surely can afford my studies but i wanted to get admission on merit because that's how my dad raised me. Honour and Self-Respect are in my veins.

After a few minutes ....which felt like ages ....a notification popped up on my screen.

yeeeyyy i got a mail and I opened it. After reading it i was shocked... i couldn't move my body... tears started to fall... TEARS OF HAPPINESS... yesss i was accepted... i started screaming and jumping. My mother rushed to my room thinking something bad happened to me but i ignored her words and hugged her tightly and started dancing.

Later that day i broke this awesome news to my father during dinner... He agreed but i could see hint of sadness in his eyes because he couldn't live without his daughter... :-) :-)

After dinner i prayed Isha and went to sleep with a broad smile on my face.

After a Week:::::

I am checking my list for the millionth time but i am still not satisfied... My packing for Canada is almost done i will be leaving with my big brother Zaid.

Zaid is my brother... he is a business man and he has travelled different countries so he is gonna come along me to set me up in Canada. He has already researched the university area and contacted a broker to arrange a place for me to live and possibly with Indian students... so everything is clear and
In-sha-Allah i will search for a part time job after i settled there. My father will be paying my expenses but i want to stand on my own feet and I don't wanna be a burden for him.

After the Flight:::::::

I was tired and exhausted, Zaid bhai collected the luggage and I was trying to open my eyes cause the flight was long..... really looonnnggg...

After leaving the airport ,we directly headed towards the hotel which Zaid had booked...

I took a hot relaxing shower and without bothering about food I directly headed to bed and INSTANTLY sleep took over me.

Next Morning I got up late so i skipped breakfast and directly went to the university for reporting. It took time to complete all the formalities so after that i went for an early lunch because my tummy was grumbling due to hunger

After a yummy lunch i went back to my room in the hotel and met one Indian girl Natasha and one Pakistani girl Mahrukh. They both were my roommates. I didn't meet them yesterday as I had gone to sleep early. They were so sweet and nice and also studying in the same university as mine but Natasha was studying chemistry and Mahrukh was studying Nutrition Management.

Honestly i was quite excited for living with Mahrukh because I always wanted to know how Pakistani people are in real life.

Zaid left that day.. Suddenly the feeling of loneliness filled my heart.. but my awesome roomies cheered me up with their blabbering.

Next Day:::::::::

Today was officially my first day of university and i could not describe how nervous i was feeling my eyes were looking for any hijabi like me or even any friendly face but because of this I bumped into something hard and all my books fell down... WOW!!! great start Fizz... when i bent down to my collect books i realised THAT something hard was a boy and thanks to Allah ,he was a decent and helpful person. ... After we were done with that and i was about to say sorry he apologized to me, without even sparing a glance at me... I was impressed. He knew how to lower his gaze in front of a non-mehrum. I assumed he was either Indian or a Pakistani from his skin tone and his moustache... Suddenly he cleared his throat and i realized that i had been staring at him for too long and immediately i lowered my gaze and murmured "it's ok" ....with that i again started my journey to find my class and was mentally preparing myself for a long tiring day ahead.

Thanks everyone for reading our chapter. I hope you guys will continue reading forward.

I would like to thank all my friends who helped me in this novel...


And all other members of our whatsapp group too :-) :-) :-)

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