Behind Closed Doors - Chapter Six

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Okay, so here's another chapter for you all! I was happy with this because again, I didn't intend on writing this. It was just meant to lead me onto what's next.. But then after I realised how long it was (i got carried away as always! Hehe) I decided to just let it be a chapter and do the other stuff later.. So its all good because I now have MORE lee-way. Anyway, enjoy.. Vote... COMMENT! And become my fan! (of course only do this if you like it!) :)


I wake up to the pleasant sound of Tia's groaning. Urgh! I turn my head and get a half view of her face, seeing as the duvet is covering the other half. Let's just say, it's not a pretty sight! Blotchy foundation (unlike me, she wasn't lucky enough to inherit great skin), smudged eye makeup and bed hair. And by bed hair, I don't mean the attractive type that girls long to have and men find sexy.. No, I'm talking about the real messy, real horrible kind that we all try to avoid.

"Fuck" Tia mumbles. "How much did I drink last night?"

"Honestly.. I don't have a clue. But enough to make a fool of yourself and almost sleep with a guy!"

"Sleep.. On that note, I need some more!" she mumbles, as I get up and draw my curtains revealing an extremely bright, invasive sun.

"Well I'm sorry but have you seen the time?" I reply.

"No.. And I don't want to! Shut the curtains, I was soaking up the darkness before you came along!"

"Go to your own room then! I fancy soaking up some sun!" I lie, emphasizing the last sentence to annoy her more.

Okay, I was being a bitch, I'll admit it. But I wasn't in the mood for acting sweet. I hardly got any sleep last night, due to the worry and fear that built up inside me whilst I lay in bed next to my sister, as I heard her moan and felt her shake and throw herself across my bed in her drunken slumber! She even started coughing, which I presumed was her choking on her own sick! I had raced to my bathroom, filled a large glass with water and basically forced her to gulp it down. After that, I held her in my arms as she returned to a restless sleep. But after having less than an hours worth of rest, I was sure that restless sleep was better than none!  

And there was something else on my mind that was leaving me frustrated and on edge. My cutting. Or lack of it! All I wanted to do was get my razor and cut! My stomach felt too... At ease? I don't know. I was so used to having at least two new, raw cuts that it felt strange and uncomfortable having nothing but healed ones and old scars. I had to get her out, before something inside me snapped!

"So?" I hinted.

"So what?" she grumbled.

"Go into your own room! There's no need for me to monitor you sleeping now, as your not drunk.. Just badly hung over."

"Oh come on sis.. I feel bloody awful. I didn't sleep too good and.."

"Shame." I say with no emotion in my voice.

"But I feel so rough.. You know I can't function without sleep."

"Yeah I do.. Because it runs in the family! I'm surprised I can even manage to keep myself upright" I say "seeing as I had no sleep at all!"

By this point, I was pacing around my room, biting my nails in a bid to distract myself from my agonizing craving to cut.

"Fine. Your obviously in no mood to talk" she said bitterly.

"Talk? Yeah, you got that right! Why would I want to talk?"

"I do. About you and your ultimate betrayal" she spat.

"Betrayal?" I ask, adding a snicker for effect. Let me guess.. Lover boy?

"Howard" she smiled bitterly, raising a perfectly plucked brow.

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