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[3:22PM, January 14, UTC +02:00]

"I must say, this is the first time a case like this has been brought to my office."

DAMILARE turned away from the Principal – Dr Ferdinand Edvin, as indicated on the nameplate and multiple award plaques lining the walls – and looked at both guilty parties with equal intrigue. Folasade was staring at a spot on the floor with a morose expression while chewing the inside of her cheek. Elisabeth just looked straight ahead as though the stern-faced middle-aged man in front of her was transparent. Damilare switched his focus between both of them repeatedly before voicing the only question on his mind.

"What exactly happened?"

Folasade stopped chewing and her jaw clenched, the only indications that she had heard the question. Elisabeth continued to stare off into space. Damilare stared them down for several seconds before looking back at Dr Edvin inquiringly.

"I was told you're here for the both of them?" Dr Edvin asked, the inflection in his voice turning the statement into a question.

"Yes," Damilare muttered. Confusion flashed across the man's face before he leaned back in his chair and sighed.

"Well...before we get into discussing the nature of their punishment, you must understand we have a zero tolerance policy to fighting in this school."

Damilare blinked. "What?"

"They've refused to admit what they were fighting over, but I was told they started in the lavatories before moving to the hallway where they were separated."

Damilare barely suppressed the growl that rumbled in his chest as he leered at both girls. "Really."

Folasade glanced at him and tensed when their eyes met. He had no idea what his facial expression was, but if it reflected the way he felt in any way, then he was sure he looked murderous. Elisabeth still maintained her blank forward stare, her blinks and breathing movements the only signs that she was actually alive. Dr Edvin leaned forward, rested his elbows on the table and pressed his fingertips together beneath his nose.

"Their case was most unusual because they're both new students. They also transferred in from different schools, so it couldn't have been an old feud. They aren't in the same classes, they've been here barely a week and...forgive me if I'm prying but there's already so much confusion here and I just can't help asking...how come you're representing both of them?"

"Um..." Damilare said while looking at Elisabeth. He didn't want to bring it up but the man was staring at him suspiciously and it was the most believable explanation he could think up at the moment, though it was based on a half-truth. "Elisabeth's father passed away recently. He was a very close friend of mine so I took her in."

"I'm sorry to hear that. Although, now that I know they live together, it make a lot more sense. Any troubles at home?"

Damilare almost snorted.

You don't know the half of it.

"Well," he said. "We're all still mourning, but that shouldn't lead them to fight."

"In my experience, grief can lead people – especially teenagers – to act out in different ways. Maybe your daughter said something offensive about Elisabeth's late father and-"

"I did not," Folasade said sharply.

"So what did you say?"

"It's personal," Elisabeth mumbled.

Dr Edvin leaned back and pursed his lips, before turning to face Damilare. "Ordinarily, I would be sending them off with a week's suspension, but the situation seems delicate enough as it is. So I'm going to give them a warning instead, so you can sort out whatever the situation is at home. But should there be another case of this sort, they will have to face the full penalty."

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